Image Maps

Francis Daly francis at
Wed Feb 22 12:27:45 UTC 2017

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 07:40:23PM -0700, Captain Wiggum wrote:

Hi there,

> The html uses image maps, such as:
> html v1 style: <br><a><img src=index.jpg ISMAP></a>
> or newer css style: <img src=index.jpg usemap="#mymap">
> Neither seem to work with my nginx-1.10.1 on Fedora (really Amazon Linux).

Can you see which part is failing?

As I understand it, client-side image maps are unrelated to the web
server. The client decides what url to request depending on where in
the image is clicked.

> The image map looks something like this:
> <map name="mymap">
> rect /cgi-bin/picview.cgi?london01s.jpg 0,0 99,99
> rect /cgi-bin/picview.cgi?london02s.jpg 100,0 199,99
> rect /cgi-bin/picview.cgi?london03s.jpg 200,0 299,99
> rect /cgi-bin/picview.cgi?london04s.jpg 300,0 399,99
> rect /cgi-bin/picview.cgi?london05s.jpg 400,0 499,99
> </map>

So - if you see in your access log that the browser is not requesting
/cgi-bin/picview.cgi?london01s.jpg, you probably have a html or client
problem to fix.

If you see that the browser is requesting
/cgi-bin/picview.cgi?london01s.jpg, then you will want to see how you
have configured your nginx to deal with that url.

Note that nginx does not "do" cgi.

So whatever your plan is, it can't be to have nginx "do" cgi itself.

Perhaps it should proxy_pass to a http server; perhaps it should
fastcgi_pass to a fastcgi server that knows how to handle the request.

Good luck with it,

Francis Daly        francis at

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