Specify a Vary: Accept-Encoding header

Richard Stanway r1ch+nginx at teamliquid.net
Thu Jul 20 12:45:03 UTC 2017

The issue is not with your page size or gzip (or anything nginx
related actually). Your Rails backend is generating the content far
too slow. You should investigate why your backend is so slow.

            time_namelookup:  0.004209
               time_connect:  0.241082
            time_appconnect:  0.000000
           time_pretransfer:  0.241121
              time_redirect:  0.000000
         time_starttransfer:  20.519778
                 time_total:  20.568794

On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 5:44 AM, Philip Rhoades <phil at pricom.com.au> wrote:
> People,
> I have moved my (very low hit) web sites from a Digital Ocean server to my
> own Fedora 25 x86-64 server with 8GB RAM and an ADSL2+ upload speed of only
> about 1Mbit/sec.
> The plain HTML and Jekyll sites response times are not too bad but the Rails
> sites are very slow.
> Using:
>   https://tools.pingdom.com
> takes more than a minute to test one of my Rails sites:
>   http://cryonics.org.au
> so it appears that I need to do something for all the Rails sites at least
> but ALL sites report a value of 50 or less for the condition in the Subject
> of this mail - I tried putting:
>   gzip on;
>   gzip_min_length  1100;
>   gzip_buffers  4 32k;
>   gzip_types    text/plain application/x-javascript text/xml text/css;
>   gzip_vary on;
> in the nginx server conf for cryonics.org.au and restarted nginx but it did
> not make any difference.
> Suggestions about how to improve the situation?
> Thanks,
> Phil.
> --
> Philip Rhoades
> PO Box 896
> Cowra  NSW  2794
> Australia
> E-mail:  phil at pricom.com.au
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