several sibling location block

ST smntov at
Tue Jun 13 16:26:30 UTC 2017


I try to convert following apache related stuff:

# force download for ceratain file types
<FilesMatch "\.(?i:fb2|mobi|mp3)$">
   Header set Content-Disposition attachment
<FilesMatch "\.(?:fb2)$>
   Header set Content-type text/fb2+xml
<FilesMatch "\.(?:mobi)$>
   Header set Content-type application/x-mobipocket-ebook
<FilesMatch "\.(?:mp3)$>
   Header set Content-type audio/mpeg

to nginx, as follows:

location / {

	# force download for ceratain file types
	location ~* \.(?:fb2|mobi|mp3)$ {
		 add_header Content-Disposition "attachment";
	location ~* \.fb2$ {
		 add_header Content-type "text/fb2+xml";
	location ~* \.mobi$ {
		 add_header Content-type "application/x-mobipocket-ebook";
	location ~* \.mp3$ {
		 add_header Content-type "audio/mpeg";


Content-Disposition "attachment" seems to be added properly to the
header, however not the Content-type. Why? Can several sibling location
blocks that match be proceeded or only one?

Thank you!

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