Help! 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable when trying to reverse-proxy wordpress

Francis Daly francis at
Mon Jun 26 16:26:08 UTC 2017

On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 12:37:46PM +0100, Fabrice Triboix wrote:

Hi there,

> The problem I am having is that when accessing the home page (which
> is about 50k of html alone), nginx responds with "503 Service
> Temporarily Unavailable" responses.

You have a separate server{} block that does "return 503;" and writes
to the same log file.

Is there any chance that *that* is the server that is handling these
subsequent requests?

If you do one of:

* remove that server{}
* change it to "return 502;"
* change it to log to access503.log

and reload your nginx, do you see any evidence that your "server_name;" server is not doing what you want?

Francis Daly        francis at

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