Files still on disc after inactive time

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Thu Feb 15 14:38:54 UTC 2018


On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 08:48:11AM -0500, Andrzej Walas wrote:

> Thanks for answer. In logs I see couple logs like this:
> [alert] 11373#0: ignore long locked inactive cache entry
> dba676c7ebb90e210efc04d51aaa4858, count:11

This message indicate that the cache entry in question was
was locked long time ago, and not unlocked.  The next question is 
how this happened.  Unfortunately, this is not something easy to 
answer unless you have debug logs since nginx start.

The most likely reason is a process crash, check logs since last 
restart to see if there are any.  Also, as already suggested, try 
testing without 3rd party modules if there are any.

There were also reports that long locked entries might appear with 
http2 enabled, see for 
details.  If this is the case, consider updating to the latest 
nginx version (1.13.8 right now) to see if it helps.

Maxim Dounin

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