Upgrading Nginx executable on the fly

shivramg94 nginx-forum at forum.nginx.org
Sun Jan 7 19:44:53 UTC 2018


We have been trying to upgrade the Nginx binary on the fly by invoking USR2
signal to spawn a new set of master and worker processes with the new
configuration. The question I have is when this new master process is
spawned, after issuing USR2 signal to the existing or the old master
process, what would be it's parent process? Will it be the root process (1)
or the old master process? 

We have been seeing different case of this. In some cases we have seen the
new master process' PPID is 1, whereas in other cases its PPID is that of
the old master process.

Could someone please explain this scenario in detail.

Posted at Nginx Forum: https://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,278038,278038#msg-278038

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