what is allowed within an evil "if", and multiple proxy failovers

jonathan vanasco nginx at 2xlp.com
Fri Jan 19 18:04:03 UTC 2018

we have a shared macro/include used for letsencrypt verification, which proxies requests to the `./well-known` directory onto an upstream provider.

the macro uses an old flag/semaphore based technique to toggle if the route is enabled or not, so we can disable it when not needed. it works great.

	location  /.well-known/acme-challenge  {
		if (!-f /etc/nginx/_flags/letsencrypt-public) {
			rewrite ^.*$ @ letsencrypt_public_503 last;
		include /path/to/proxy_config;
	location = @letsencrypt_public_503 {
		return 503;

recently, letsencrypt dropped support for TLS authentication and now requires port80. this has created a problem, because we run multiple ACME clients and were able to segment the ones that hit our catchall/default servers based on the protocol.

while many of our configs can use the existing files, a few need to support both systems in a failover situation:

the current working version works around nginx config syntax to get around this…

    location  /.well-known/acme-challenge  {
        proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-For  $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header  Host  $host;

        set $acme_options ""; 
        if (-f /etc/nginx/_flags/client_a) {
            set $acme_options "client_a"; 
        if (-f /etc/nginx/_flags/client_b) {
            set $acme_options "${acme_options}.client_b";

        if ($acme_options = "client_a") {

        if ($acme_options = "client_a.client_b") {

        if ($acme_options = ".client_b") {
        rewrite ^.*$ @acme_503 last;

i have some problems with this approach that I’d like to avoid, and wonder if anyone has suggestions:
1. i’m lucky that proxy_set_header has shared info, it’s not allowed within an “if” block.
2. i repeat the proxy_pass info much here, and it also exists in some other macros which are shared often. there are many places to update.

there were other things I didn’t like, but I forgot.  does anyone have a better suggestion than my current implementation?  it works for now, but it’s not modular or clean.


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