Nginx reverse proxy redirection combinations

Andr� Auchecorne auchecorne at
Thu Apr 11 11:07:53 UTC 2019

Hi Every one!

Could you please help me? I'm trying to figure out if with Nginx Reverse Proxy it is possible to redirect trafic as in the following cases?

1- IP==>IP
2- IP==>Port
3- IP==>URL
4- IP==>Domaine Name
5- IP==>URI

6- Port==>IP
6- Port==>Port
8- Port==>URL
9- Port==>Domaine Name
10- Port==>URI

11- URL==>IP
12- URL==>Port
13- URL==>URL
14- URL==>Domaine Name
15- URL==>URI

16- Domaine Name==>IP
17- Domaine Name==>Port
18- Domaine Name==>URL
19- Domaine Name==>Domaine Name
20- Domaine Name==>URI

21- URI==>IP
22- URI==>Port
23- URI==>URL
24- URI==>Domaine Name
25- URI==>URI

Thank you very much for any assistance!
Kind regards!

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