NGINX open source reverse proxy is not connected with same ip as incoming request , it’s changing ip due to this client connnection is not happening - UDP

atulsharma1989 nginx-forum at
Wed Aug 7 04:28:24 UTC 2019

We are using NGINX open source version 1.12.2 and we have NaT ip configure
on vm physical interface.

Issue we have , NGINX is changing IP address during reverse proxy step. 

udp Incoming request is coming from client in internet and request transfer
to connected NAT interface ip

Then it split connect to private ip on other physical interface and forward
request to backend 
Client, But during same reverse process while going out NGINX is changing IP
It should be same nat IP as request was recieved, but it’s trying to connect
with client via private 
Ip due to this connection is not happening and our service is not working

Note: We are using UDP protocol. Please suggest how to fix this 

Does open source NGINX support UDP load balancing ?

Posted at Nginx Forum:,285136,285136#msg-285136

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