Location Rewrite Issue

Reinis Rozitis r at roze.lv
Sat Aug 17 20:42:17 UTC 2019

> Thank you.  That was indeed the issue.  Now  I can see the individual blog entries at /blog/slug-of-blog
> but /blog and /blog/ urls are both throwing a 404.
> Is that an easy fix?
>> rewrite ^/blog/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/?$ /blog-article.php?slug=$1 break;

You have to tweak the regex - currently it expects that there will be always '/' after blog and something afterwards.
Depending on what you actually want to pass in the slug something like this might work:

rewrite ^/blog(/.*)? /blog-article.php?slug=$1 last;

Or if the if the first slash is not needed then ^/blog/?(.*)?

(writing out of head so testing required)


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