Node app inside nginx on K8s does not work

Suleman Butt suleman.butt at
Tue Jun 18 15:33:32 UTC 2019

Hi All,

I have setup this node app in my K8s cluster:

It works fine there, but without nginx.

When i put the container app inside Nginx, the application just does not start.

Here is how my docker file looks like:

# Dockerfile for
# Usage example:
# $ docker run -e PORT=3000 -e SPARQL_BACKEND= -e ADMIN_USER=admin -e ADMIN_PASSWORD=password -e CACHE_STORE=file -e CACHE_STORE_PATH=/opt/cache -e COMPRESSOR=snappy -e MAX_LIMIT=10000 -e JOB_TIMEOUT=300000 -e MAX_CONCURRENCY=1 -v `pwd`/files:/app/files -d -p 80:3000 -t sparql-proxy

FROM node:10.15 as build-phase

RUN useradd --create-home app
RUN install --owner app --group app --directory /app

USER app

RUN git clone .

RUN npm install
RUN npm audit fix --force

#COPY . .
CMD npm start

FROM nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged:1.16-alpine

WORKDIR /usr/share/nginx/html

COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/

COPY --from=build-phase /app .


and here is how my nginx.conf:


##1 Change to existing user "nginx"
#user  nginx;

worker_processes  1;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

http {
  client_body_temp_path /var/cache/nginx/ 1 2;
  proxy_temp_path /var/cache/nginx/ 1 2;
  fastcgi_temp_path /var/cache/nginx/ 1 2;
  uwsgi_temp_path /var/cache/nginx/ 1 2;
  scgi_temp_path /var/cache/nginx/ 1 2;

  # Turn off the bloody buffering to temp files
  proxy_buffering off;

    server {
        listen 8080;
#        server_name  _;

      location ~ ^/proxy/(.*)$ {
      proxy_pass http://localhost:3000/$1$is_args$args;
      proxy_redirect / /proxy/;
      proxy_cookie_path / /proxy/;
      proxy_http_version 1.1;
      proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
      proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

location /health {
return 200;

        location / {
            try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

In my deployment.yaml, I am using  containerPort: 8080.

This is how inside the container file structure:

[cid:image001.png at 01D525FB.F2988B00]

I just get this in the browser:

[cid:image002.png at 01D525FB.F2988B00]

Any suggestion what is wrong in my docker file or nginx.conf?


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