IOS keep asking password with nginx auth_basic

Francis Daly francis at
Mon Oct 21 11:18:49 UTC 2019

On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 02:56:41AM -0400, tiendungitd wrote:

Hi there,

> > The access log that I see there does not seem to show me what you
> describe.
> Well, I just hightlight what I described, see

Ok. In the first highlighted section, I see a POST which got a HTTP 200
reply. That is "success".

In the second highlighted section, I see a GET which got a HTTP 401 reply,
followed by a GET of the same url with a username includes, and a HTTP
302 reply.

> > Can you show an nginx configuration that leads to the problem that you
> report?
> Sure, you can see in

I think that the log file you show does not come from this config.

This config has:

  location = /403.html
  location ~ /(ivy/error)
  location ~ /(ivy/wf/)
  location ~* /favicon(.*)
  location /
  location /ivy/

The log shows requests that start with //faces/ or //pro/, and do not
include the string /ivy/.

Those requests should be handled in the "location /" block, which just
has "return 301 /ivy;"

The log shows no 301 responses.

I agree that something strange is happening.

But I think that you have not shown any evidence that nginx is involved
in the strange thing.

Can you build a test system with a very small config, and see if that
shows the same problems?

Francis Daly        francis at

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