How to redirect to https when using load balancer in front of nginx

Palvelin Postmaster postmaster at
Thu Sep 5 19:55:38 UTC 2019

> On 4 Sep 2019, at 18.32, j94305 <nginx-forum at> wrote:
> In order to redirect http to https, you have to define a listener rule in
> the ALB that redirects all traffic on port 80 to port 443 (of the ALB) with
> the original path and query parameters. The status code should be a 301
> (permanent redirection). That's the context between the client and the ALB.
> The certificate for the domain(s) will be installed in the ALB.
> The target group for the ALB would contain the http target (or be filled in
> by an auto-scaling group's members in case you have multiple targets from an
> auto-scaling group). Your application server would only see http requests
> coming from the ALB. You won't get any https requests.
> The important point about rewriting http requests (from the client
> perspective) to https requests (client perspective again) is to define that
> rule in the ALB, and make that rule redirect requests for all paths.

Yes, I believe this I have setup in ALB, as I tried to explain (poorly, maybe):

alb-my-server-com | HTTP:80
(1 rule)
	Redirect to: https://#{host}:443/#{path}?#{query}
	Status code: HTTP_301

The issue I outlined happens with nginx regardless.

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