app mvc behind proxy reverse

Francis Daly francis at
Thu Aug 6 12:28:59 UTC 2020

On Wed, Aug 05, 2020 at 05:31:26PM -0600, Rick Gutierrez wrote:

Hi there,

> Hi, I am having some problems to load an app made in mvc, when I
> access the url and I want to edit a table to make a change, the proxy
> returns me to the root of the project, and it does not stay in
> app/pais

Your nginx config says that when the client asks nginx for
/pais/agregareditar, nginx asks the upstream for /pais/agregareditar --
your log at "05/Aug/2020:17:20:51" shows this request.

Your nginx config says that when the client asks nginx for
/agregareditar, nginx asks the upstream for /agregareditar -- your log at
"05/Aug/2020:17:21:23" shows this request.

It looks like the app is pointing to /agregareditar instead of to
/pais/agregareditar; and it looks like nginx is not involved in this.

Can you see what the html-or-javascript that tells the browser where to
POST the request, says about where to POST the request?

> any ideas?

Maybe something like "location = /pais { return 301 /pais/; }" in
your nginx config will help, if the upstream server should do that but
does not?

Good luck with it,

Francis Daly        francis at

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