simple file based authorization

svgkraju nginx-forum at
Wed Feb 19 19:57:24 UTC 2020

My nginx config file is as follows:

server {
location / {
auth_request /custom_auth
location /custom_auth {
proxy_pass http://localhost:9123;
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_set_header Content-Length "";
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;

Client will provide URL (URL is 3rd party application) and username. URL
contains project name. I have a simple file in the same server with project
and username mapping. If mapping exists allow the URL to execute, otherwise
fail it.

How can I implement this in http://localhost:9123? Using oauth2? when I
checked many sample codes, it talks about passwords, tokens, etc., Can this
done in a much simpler manner?

Posted at Nginx Forum:,287066,287066#msg-287066

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