Reverse proxy help.

Francis Daly francis at
Wed Sep 15 23:18:10 UTC 2021

On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 05:36:54PM -0400, Robert Sawyer wrote:

Hi there,

> if someone tries to simply access the external IP present an error or
> if there is a known page that exists on the proxy server ( I have a
> php page with a known name that displays phpinfo for validating server
> info) display it, do not proxy. curently if I simply use the IP it
> displays the server for wordpress2. ( the actual names for the sites
> wordpress2 is alphebetically first ) so basically how do I make the
> webpages on the proxy server the “fallback” web server ?

You want one more server{} block, which includes "listen 80

Then any request to that port that does not match one of the other
server_name values will be handled in that server{}.

Right now, you do not have an explicit default_server declared for this
"listen" address, so you are using the implicit one, which in this case
is wordpress2.

Good luck with it,

Francis Daly        francis at

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