Hello<br><br>I have a new patch for Nginx. I use this server to stream
videos. I needed a way to burst the rate with limit_rate_after but
controlled from config, not at full throttle. Eg.: send 4Mb with 500KBps
and the remaining with 90KBps.<br><br>This is useful when sending mp4
that have a 2 to 6MB of index data at the beginning of the file and
playback only starts after this is received. This way I can start the
video playback faster not after 20 seconds or so.<br>However, if you have 500 new users per seconds you can choke the bandwidth so the need to control the burst speed.<br><br>I created a new config directive limit_rate_max that applies to initial burst speed.<br>
Another change I made is to put the limit_rate_after in server variables.<br>I need this to control the burst quantity on the fly based on url param.<br><br>if ($arg_burst){<br>set $limit_rate_after $arg_burst;<br>
index for each file is different and with this I control how much burst
we need, useful when users seek a lot and index is recalculated on
seek for each file...<br><br>If anyone can review this and find it useful, let me know, it works for my needs.<br><br>I thank to Andrei (Latzease) for his contribution to this... he made it happen.<br clear="all">---------------------------------------------------------------<br>
Cristian Rusu<br>Web Developement & Electronic Publishing<br><br>======<br><a href="http://Crilance.blogspot.com" target="_blank">Crilance.blogspot.com</a><br><br>