<div dir="ltr"><div><div>We are facing issues regarding flv and somehow things are fix and smooth and i haven't done anything :(. But i want to prevent these issues for the future. The source i used to download nginx is <a href="http://nginx.org/download/">http://nginx.org/download/</a> . Please check my nginx.conf file may be there's some wrong settings there :-<br>
<br>user nginx;<br>worker_processes 8;<br>worker_rlimit_nofile 300000; #2 filehandlers for each connection<br>#error_log logs/error.log;<br>#error_log logs/error.log notice;<br>#error_log logs/error.log info;<br><br>
#pid logs/nginx.pid;<br><br><br>events {<br> worker_connections 6000;<br> use epoll;<br>}<br>http {<br> include mime.types;<br> default_type application/octet-stream;<br> client_body_buffer_size 128K;<br>
sendfile_max_chunk 128k;<br> client_header_buffer_size 256k;<br> large_client_header_buffers 4 256k;<br> output_buffers 1 512k;<br> server_tokens off; #Conceals nginx version<br> #access_log logs/access.log main;<br>
access_log off;<br> sendfile off;<br> ignore_invalid_headers on;<br> client_header_timeout 3m;<br> client_body_timeout 3m;<br> send_timeout 3m;<br> keepalive_timeout 0;<br> reset_timedout_connection on;<br>
<br></div>etc etc<br><br>}<br><br></div>These are the particular settings in my nginx.conf file. Please let me know if you want the rest of config.<br><div><div><br></div></div></div>