<p dir="ltr">On 6 Jun 2014 08:49, "basti" <<a href="mailto:black.fledermaus@arcor.de">black.fledermaus@arcor.de</a>> wrote:<br>
> Hello,<br>
> I try to block wildcard sub domains as follows:<br>
> # block wildcard<br>
> server {<br>
> Â server_name ~^(.*)\.example\.com$ ;<br>
> Â root /usr/share/nginx/www;<br>
> Â error_page 403 /index.html;<br>
> Â allow;<br>
>  deny  all;<br>
> Â access_log off;<br>
> Â log_not_found off;<br>
> }</p>
<p dir="ltr">I'm sure there's a precedence rule that'll explain this but I don't have it to hand.</p>
<p dir="ltr">However, have you considered merely telling that server{} to listen only on</p>
<p dir="ltr">You may also wish to look at the server_name documentation for the shorthand of "*.<a href="http://foo.com">foo.com</a>" instead of the regex you're using.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Finally, if your aim is just to deny requests for hosts you haven't explicitly configured elsewhere in nginx's config file, I find the following to be a useful catchall. Use it alongside well-defined server_names in other server blocks. </p>
<p dir="ltr">server {<br>
 listen 80 default_server; <br>
 server_name _;<br>
 location / { return 404; }<br>
<p dir="ltr">HTH, <br>