Strange Unit failure

Sergey A. Osokin osa at
Fri Jun 30 00:12:16 UTC 2023

On Thu, Jun 29, 2023 at 01:35:04PM +0000, Peter TKATCHENKO wrote:
> On 27/06/2023 16:03, Sergey A. Osokin wrote:
> > could you explain the proxy_pass configuration
> >       proxy_pass http://unit_backend$request_uri;
> >
> > Why it's necessary to send $request_uri to the NGINX Unit backend?
> Please, explain me why I should not send $request_uri if I am wrong.

I don't think I know all of your cases, but I believe that $request_uri
is needless in this case, so it's very easy to test:

1. create two `server {}' blocks, one with the $request_uri and
   another one without;
2. setup an application backend to return $request_uri;
3. send a request for every server with the curl utility and get two
4. observe a difference (I believe there's no difference there);
5. profit!

Sergey A. Osokin

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