Use prebuilt Bzip, zLib and OpenSSL?

Jeffrey Walton noloader at
Tue Jan 11 03:40:09 UTC 2022

Hi Everyone,

I need to build a modern Nginx from sources on an older platform. The
need arises because the organization can't upgrade a particular set of
machines. We want to set up a Nginx proxy to handle the front-end

I've got Bzip, zLib and OpenSSL built and installed in /opt, but I am
having trouble getting Nginx to compile and [presumably] link against
them. In this case we don't want Nginx building them from sources.
Rather, we want Nginx to use the includes in /opt/include, and the
libraries in /opt/lib.

Typically GNU software using Autotools use an option like
--with-openssl-prefix. Nginx does not provide the option. Nginx also
does not provide the customary --includedir and --libdir. (And I
understand Nginx is not GNU).

How do we tell Nginx the prefix path for the libraries?

Thanks in advance.
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