Help with UDP load balancing passive health checks

Pawel Fraczek fraczekp at
Wed Feb 23 03:45:33 UTC 2022

Hi, I'm trying to building a syslog load balancer and I'm running into
issues with the failover of UDP messages. TCP works just fine, when the
server goes down, all messages failover to the active server. But with UDP,
that does not happen. Maybe someone can point me to what I'm doing wrong.
Below is the config.

upstream syssrv {
 server max_fails=2 fail_timeout=15s;
 server max_fails=2 fail_timeout=15s;
 server {
 listen 5500;
 proxy_protocol on;
 proxy_pass syssrv;
 proxy_timeout 1s;
 proxy_connect_timeout 1s;
 server {
 listen 5500 udp;
 proxy_pass syssrv;
 proxy_timeout 1s;
 proxy_connect_timeout 1s;
 proxy_bind $remote_addr transparent;

I have a script that enumerates each message (n) like this "Testing -proto:
udp - n"

I see both servers getting the message when they are online (even - odd
numbers) but when one goes down, once server continues to only get the even
numbers, so I'm losing 50% of the messages.

I tried to debug the setup and I see nginx marking that the udp packets
timed out. I see this:

2022/02/22 20:05:13 [info] 21362#21362: *777 udp client connected to
2022/02/22 20:05:13 [info] 21362#21362: *777 udp proxy connected to
2022/02/22 20:05:13 [info] 21362#21362: *779 udp client connected to
2022/02/22 20:05:13 [info] 21362#21362: *779 udp proxy connected to

Then this:

2022/02/22 20:05:14 [info] 21362#21362: *771 udp timed out, packets
from/to client:1/0, bytes from/to client:145/0, bytes from/to

But, it's not redirecting the connection to the healthy server. This seems
pretty simple but any ideas what I'm doing wrong? It would seem that the
non-commercial version should be able to do this, no?

Any help is appreciated. I also tried to add a backup, but it doesn't work
with UDP

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