location regex?

Jay Haines jeh253 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 00:39:32 UTC 2022

I am trying to weed out requests for any uri that contains the string, 
"announce" (no quotes). That would include

  * /announce
  * /announce/
  * /announce.php

each with or without query strings. I have the following location blocks 
in my server context:

        location ~* announce {
                return 444;

        location ~* /announce.php {
                return 444;

and my log looks good:

""       "03/Aug/2022:20:19:00 -0400"    "GET 
HTTP/1.1"        "444"   "0"     "0.000"  "-"     "BitComet/"

until it doesn't:

""        "03/Aug/2022:20:24:03 -0400"    "GET 
HTTP/1.1" "400"   "150"   "0.000" "-"     "-"

I have tried various location prefixes and regexes (and combinations 
thereof) but can't seem to find the one that works correctly.

Thanks for any help
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