[BUG] A string format defect in Nginx 0.8.48

Gary Hu yuejun24.hu at gmail.com
Tue Aug 10 08:07:30 MSD 2010

Hi All,

I found a defect in function "ngx_vslprintf”which doesn't support right
alignment format of a string, such as "%40s", as purported in the comments
right above the function "ngx_sprintf" in file "src/core/ngx_string.c".

The following is my suggested fix in function "ngx_vslprintf ":


           case 's':

              p = va_arg(args, u_char *);


                // Added  by Gary Hu


                size_t sublen;

                size_t padlen;

                sublen = ngx_strlen(p);

                /* Add padding whitespaces to the output buffer to achieve
right alignment*/

                if (width > 0 && width > sublen)


                    padlen = ngx_min(((size_t) (last - buf)), width - sublen

                    ngx_memset(buf, ' ', padlen);

                    buf += padlen;



                // End added by Gary Hu


                if (slen == (size_t) -1) {

                    while (*p && buf < last) {

                        *buf++ = *p++;


                } else {

                    len = ngx_min(((size_t) (last - buf)), slen);

                    buf = ngx_cpymem(buf, p, len);




            case 'O':


Best Regards,

Gary Hu
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