Accessing subrequest output in memory

agentzh agentzh at
Mon Oct 18 09:34:53 MSD 2010

On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 10:49 PM, Eugaia <ngx.eugaia at> wrote:
>  Hi Peter,
> Thanks.  What Yichun is referring to there is how echo issues subrequests,
> however I was just testing with the basic 'echo' commands.  The thing is
> that no special handling of data is made when it is 'in memory'.  This
> appears to be a *feature* of Nginx - the in-memory handling needs to be done
> by specific modules, and currently the only one that seems to do this
> properly is the upstream module.


In-memory request handling requires special treatment of individual
content handlers. For example, ngx_proxy and ngx_memcached support it
while ngx_fastcgi explicitly disables that. And it cannot be handled
from within my ngx_echo module :)


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