Segfault in 1.0.5.

Gena Makhomed gmm at
Sat Jul 23 14:09:03 UTC 2011

sorry, all my previous messages in this thread was with errors.

Igor, likely nginx now need something like httpd mod_macro
to eliminate multiple duplicates of small config fragments

On 23.07.2011 12:20, Igor Sysoev wrote:

>          location / {
>                  expires 30d;
>                  error_page 404 = @joomla;
>                  log_not_found off;
>          }
>          location ~ ^/(images|cache|media)/ {
>                  # static
>          }

probably, this is most correct and most performance-optimized,
(both - server-side and client-side) fragment of nginx config:

-          location ~ ^/(images|cache|media)/ {
-                  # static
-          }

+          location ^~ /images/ {
+                # static
+                expires 30d;
+                error_page 404 = @joomla;
+                log_not_found off;
+          }
+          location ^~ /cache/ {
+                # static
+                expires 30d;
+                error_page 404 = @joomla;
+                log_not_found off;
+          }
+          location ^~ /media/ {
+                # static
+                expires 30d;
+                error_page 404 = @joomla;
+                log_not_found off;
+          }

Best regards,

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