NGINX uniqueid feature

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Wed Jun 29 21:53:00 MSD 2011


On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 07:14:34PM +0200, Thierry wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm writing a new feature for nginx. My module generate a unique id for each
> incoming http request. Is very usefull for big http hosting data center.
> The new web applications are very complicated for a poor functionalities.
> (soap web services, application servers like websphere or weblogic,
> java frameworks, ...). This applications need a unique identifier for
> following a request into the infrastructur. Is very usefull for the
> troubleshooting or for the security tracking.
> The patch generate a unqiue id for each request if needed. Add this unique id
> into a http request header if needed and permit to log this tag into nginx
> logs.
> I join two patchs: for version 0.6.36 and version 1.0.4.
> I join also the documentation.
> I'm trying to write clear and optimized code.

You may want to publish this  as a module, not as a patch to nginx 
itself.  Adding it list of 3rd party modules on wiki may be a good 
idea, too:

Maxim Dounin

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