Bug in request.headers_out initialization?

Igor Sysoev igor at sysoev.ru
Wed Nov 23 17:08:02 UTC 2011

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 10:32:27PM +0530, Fasihullah Askiri wrote:
> Sorry, I am not sure I understood you correctly. It is used in headers_in
> for look up into headers_in_hash OK. But what about headers_out?

"lowcase_key" in headers_out may be not set if these headers are not

> ngx_http_proxy_process_header parses the upstream response headers
> using ngx_http_parse_header_line, thereby setting hash/lowcase_key. This
> function sets headers_out which I use. The question I have is, is it safe
> to use the headers_out.....lowcase_key, should I check for
> headers_out.headers.part.elt[it].hash before I can use lowcase_key or
> should I check for something else?

"hash" does not mean that "lowcase_key" is set.
If nginx needs to find headers using hash, it sets "lowcase_key" and
calculates "hash".

Besides nginx uses "hash" only in header output filter.

Igor Sysoev

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