Extract headers/body from subrequests

R. Tyler Croy tyler at monkeypox.org
Sun Oct 28 04:59:27 UTC 2012

I'm using the auth_request module from Maxim Dounin as a basis for some of my

What I'm trying to do at the end of the day is bring a header from the response
of a subrequest and feed it into the headers_in for the "main" request, but I
can't figure how this works.

The code I'm focused most on is in the ngx_http_auth_request_handler function:


Any pointers on how to fish data out of the subreqeusts would be most
appreciated :)

- R. Tyler Croy
    Code: https://github.com/rtyler
 Chatter: https://twitter.com/agentdero
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