timeout for very slow client

Maxim Dounin mdounin at mdounin.ru
Thu Sep 5 15:16:28 UTC 2013


On Thu, Sep 05, 2013 at 02:16:45PM +0000, Yongfeng Wu wrote:

> Any ideas please?


> I have a question about the slow clients.
> If a client (for example, a dial up client) is very slow and 
> nginx needs a long time to send a big response to the client,  
> does nginx have a timeout mechanism for that? Or nginx will keep 
> sending the response until all sent out?
> I know we have a directive "send_timeout", but that's for " only 
> between two successive write operations, not for the 
> transmission of the whole response".

What makes you think that the question is relevant for the 
nginx-devel@ list?  It might be a good idea to ask it in nginx@ 

Maxim Dounin

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