$request_time is 0.000 with gzip/chunked?

Robert Coup robert at coup.net.nz
Fri Jan 31 04:04:25 UTC 2014

Hi Maxim,

On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 3:40 PM, Maxim Dounin <mdounin at mdounin.ru> wrote:

> A zero request time indicate that nginx never exhausted socket's
> output buffer while sending a response to a client, and hence was
> able to complete sending within a single event loop iteration.
> Time only refreshed before an event loop iteration, so in this
> case logged $request_time will be zero.

Makes sense - so you're suggesting I wouldn't see it on a non-loopback
network connection where socket buffer is < file size? I was seeing it on a
non-loopback connection originally, but will do some more tests to verify.
I guess I also wouldn't see it if/when upstream/proxy buffers are

I guess I would have expected (not being an nginx guru!) an event loop call
to happen for each chain/block being passed through the filters and out to
the socket rather than only when the socket rejected it.

Regardless, if $request_time is defined as "request processing time in
seconds with a milliseconds resolution; time elapsed between the first
bytes were read from the client and the log write after the last bytes were
sent to the client" - and the last bytes couldn't possibly be sent in
0.000ms (since the gzipping takes ~10s), doesn't that indicate a bug?

Background: This isn't an entirely theoretical exercise... we're sending
gzipped XML documents to clients with massively varying response sizes
(3KB-300MB) and I was looking at writing a module to save the time taken
until the first body chunk is sent to the client, so we could track the
server response times. And stumbled across this issue.


Rob :)
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