$request_time is 0.000 with gzip/chunked?

Robert Coup robert at coup.net.nz
Fri Jan 31 19:43:19 UTC 2014

Hi Maxim,

On Saturday, 1 February 2014, Maxim Dounin <mdounin at mdounin.ru> wrote:

> If you just care about precision of a time measured, on Linux you may try
> using timer_resolution with some reasonable value like 10ms.  On
> Linux time is updated using signals in this case, and time logged
> will be more accurate regardless of how long event loop iteration
> takes.

Aha, so timer_resolution will "fix" it on Linux? (Our production boxes are
Linux, my current testing was OSX). On OSX it looked like timer-resolution
never ran while the gzipping was happening, I just assumed it would be
similar cross-platform (though I did test I could replicate the original issue
on both).

> The really bad thing is actually that this can easily introduce
> potentially huge latency spikes.  If this is often happens in
> practice, it might be a good idea to introduce something similar
> to sendfile_max_chunk we already have to resolve similar problems
> with sendfile(), see http://nginx.org/r/sendfile_max_chunk.

So where could/would the max chunk limit sit? At the socket-write end of
the process?


Rob :)
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