Create a Subdir inside Client_body_temp_path

Das, Jagannath jadas at
Thu Nov 6 15:31:53 UTC 2014

Hi Folks,
     I am starting to dig into nginx source code. Sorry for being naïve.

How do we create a subdir inside the path read by the conf param client_body_temp_path?

I was thinking of changing the code "ngx_int_t

ngx_create_temp_file(ngx_file_t *file, ngx_path_t *path, ngx_pool_t *pool,

    ngx_uint_t persistent, ngx_uint_t clean, ngx_uint_t access, int aka_temp_dir_creation)



While walking through the code I got confused between path->name.len and path->len .

Any help will be appreciated.

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