Unexpected behaviour "aio threads" option

Valentin V. Bartenev vbart at nginx.com
Tue Nov 24 15:32:11 UTC 2015

On Tuesday 24 November 2015 15:10:12 Bart Warmerdam wrote:
> Hello,
> On a system with a load of about 500-600 URI/sec I see some unexpected
> behaviour when using "aio threads" option in the configuration.
> System setup:
> The system runs on RHEL6.6 with 3 workers running nginx 1.9.6 with
> thread support. Content is cached and populated by a proxied-upstream.
> The cache location is a tmpfs file system with more then enough space
> at all times. Proxy buffer size 8k. The output buffer is default (no
> config item, so 2 32k). Keepalive timeout 75s. Sendfile is enabled.
> Seen behaviour:
> On the WAF in front of this system I see occasional hangs on resources
> (mainly larger files like js, jpeg, ..). Seen in the WAF log is that
> this WAF waits for the transfer to be completed until nginx closes the
> connection at the keepalive time of 75s. In the nginx access.log I see
> the entry served from cache (upstream server '-') with the correct
> content length. In the tcp dump I see the response of this call to
> contain a content-length header with the correct length, a server time
> header over 1 minute older then the tcpdump timestamp (all servers are
> ntp-connected). The served jpeg is half-way in its cache lifetime at
> that time and there are previous served entries from cache without
> incomplete transfers. In the tcp dump the jpeg file starts to differ
> from the original after 32168 bytes and misses 8192 bytes after which
> the remaining content is served (which is identical to original). From
> the tcpdump I can extract the file which is missing 8192 bytes.
> We have also a dump when during the proxied call this same behaviour
> was seen. The upstream call is started to get a jpeg from the origin.
> After a few packets the data is sent to the WAF. The complete upstream
> file is retrieved (can be validated in the tcpdump that the jpeg is
> complete and correctly retrieved), but not all the data is sent to the
> listening socket to the WAF.
> If I change the setup to "aio on" or "aio off" this behaviour is not
> seen. This is the only change in the configuration between the tests.
> It looks like this behaviour only affects bigger files. I have not seen
> this effect on small files or proxied responses.
> Does anyone have the same experience with this option. And what is the
> best way to proceed in tracing this?

Could you provide the debug log?

  wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev

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