[njs] Replaced README contents with online documentation links.

Roman Arutyunyan arut at nginx.com
Tue Dec 13 14:52:00 UTC 2016

details:   http://hg.nginx.org/njs/rev/b5e47a364c02
changeset: 285:b5e47a364c02
user:      Roman Arutyunyan <arut at nginx.com>
date:      Tue Dec 13 17:50:06 2016 +0300
Replaced README contents with online documentation links.


 README |  287 +----------------------------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 283 deletions(-)

diffs (298 lines):

diff -r f9d2302afda1 -r b5e47a364c02 README
--- a/README	Tue Dec 13 17:17:25 2016 +0300
+++ b/README	Tue Dec 13 17:50:06 2016 +0300
@@ -1,290 +1,11 @@
-Configure nginx with HTTP and Stream JavaScript modules using the --add-module
-    ./configure --add-module=<path-to-njs>/nginx
+The documentation is available online:
-Alternatively, you can build a dynamic version of the modules
-    ./configure --add-dynamic-module=<path-to-njs>/nginx
-and add the following lines to nginx.conf to load them
-    load_module modules/ngx_http_js_module.so;
-    load_module modules/ngx_stream_js_module.so;
+  http://nginx.org/en/docs/njs_about.html
+  http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_js_module.html
+  http://nginx.org/en/docs/stream/ngx_stream_js_module.html
 Please report your experiences to the NGINX development mailing list
 nginx-devel at nginx.org (http://mailman.nginx.org/mailman/listinfo/nginx-devel).
-HTTP JavaScript module
-Each HTTP JavaScript handler receives two arguments - request and response.
-    function foo(req, res) {
-        ..
-    }
-The following properties are available:
-    - uri
-    - method
-    - httpVersion
-    - remoteAddress
-    - headers{}
-    - args{}
-    - variables{}
-    - log()
-    - status
-    - headers{}
-    - contentType
-    - contentLength
-    - sendHeader()
-    - send()
-    - finish()
-Example nginx.conf:
-    # load dynamic HTTP JavaScript module
-    load_module modules/ngx_http_js_module.so;
-    worker_processes 1;
-    pid logs/nginx.pid;
-    events {
-        worker_connections  256;
-    }
-    http {
-        # include JavaScript file
-        js_include http.js;
-        server {
-            listen 8000;
-            location / {
-                # create $foo variable and set JavaScript function foo()
-                # from the included JavaScript file as its handler
-                js_set $foo foo;
-                add_header X-Foo $foo;
-                # register JavaScript function bar() as content handler
-                js_content baz;
-            }
-            location /summary {
-                js_set $summary summary;
-                return 200 $summary;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    function foo(req, res) {
-        req.log("hello from foo() handler");
-        return "foo";
-    }
-    function summary(req, res) {
-        var a, s, h;
-        s = "JS summary\n\n";
-        s += "Method: " + req.method + "\n";
-        s += "HTTP version: " + req.httpVersion + "\n";
-        s += "Host: " + req.headers.host + "\n";
-        s += "Remote Address: " + req.remoteAddress + "\n";
-        s += "URI: " + req.uri + "\n";
-        s += "Headers:\n";
-        for (h in req.headers) {
-            s += "  header '" + h + "' is '" + req.headers[h] + "'\n";
-        }
-        s += "Args:\n";
-        for (a in req.args) {
-            s += "  arg '" + a + "' is '" + req.args[a] + "'\n";
-        }
-        return s;
-    }
-    function baz(req, res) {
-        res.headers.foo = 1234;
-        res.status = 200;
-        res.contentType = "text/plain; charset=utf-8";
-        res.contentLength = 15;
-        res.sendHeader();
-        res.send("nginx");
-        res.send("java");
-        res.send("script");
-        res.finish();
-    }
-Stream JavaScript module
-Each Stream JavaScript handler receives one argument - stream session object.
-    function foo(s) {
-        ..
-    }
-The following properties are available in the session object:
-     - remoteAddress
-     - eof
-     - fromUpstream
-     - buffer
-     - variables{}
-     - log()
-     - OK
-     - DECLINED
-     - AGAIN
-     - ERROR
-     - ABORT
-Example nginx.conf:
-    # load dynamic Stream JavaScript module
-    load_module modules/ngx_stream_js_module.so;
-    worker_processes 1;
-    pid logs/nginx.pid;
-    events {
-        worker_connections  256;
-    }
-    stream {
-        # include JavaScript file
-        js_include stream.js;
-        server {
-            listen 8000;
-            # preread data with qux()
-            js_preread qux;
-            # create $foo and $bar variables and set JavaScript
-            # functions foo() and bar() from the included JavaScript
-            # file as their handlers
-            js_set $foo foo;
-            js_set $bar bar;
-            # echo-server: return preread data
-            return foo;
-        }
-        server {
-            listen 8001;
-            # check access in xyz()
-            js_access xyz;
-            proxy_pass;
-            # add JavaScript filter baz() from the included
-            # JavaScript file
-            js_filter baz;
-        }
-    }
-    http {
-        server {
-            listen 9000;
-            location / {
-                return 200 $http_foo\n;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    var req = '';
-    var matched = 0;
-    var line = '';
-    function qux(s) {
-        n = s.buffer.indexOf('\n');
-        if (n == -1) {
-            return s.AGAIN;
-        }
-        line = s.buffer.substr(0, n);
-    }
-    function foo(s) {
-        return line;
-    }
-    function bar(s) {
-        var v = s.variables;
-        s.log("hello from bar() handler!");
-        return "foo-var" + v.remote_port + "; pid=" + v.pid;
-    }
-    // The filter processes one buffer per call.
-    // The buffer is available in s.buffer both for
-    // reading and writing.  Called for both directions.
-    function baz(s) {
-        if (s.fromUpstream || matched) {
-            return;
-        }
-        // Disable certain addresses.
-        if (s.remoteAddress.match('^192.*')) {
-            return s.ERROR;
-        }
-        // Read HTTP request line.
-        // Collect bytes in 'req' until request
-        // line is read.  Clear current buffer to
-        // disable output.
-        req = req + s.buffer;
-        s.buffer = '';
-        n = req.search('\n');
-        if (n != -1) {
-            // Inject a new HTTP header.
-            var rest = req.substr(n + 1);
-            req = req.substr(0, n + 1);
-            addr = s.remoteAddress;
-            s.log('req:' + req);
-            s.log('rest:' + rest);
-            // Output the result and skip further
-            // processing.
-            s.buffer = req + 'Foo: addr_' + addr + '\r\n' + rest;
-            matched = 1;
-        }
-    }
-    function xyz(s) {
-        if (s.remoteAddress.match('^192.*')) {
-            return s.ABORT;
-        }
-    }
 NGINX, Inc., http://nginx.com

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