[PATCH] Configure: Prefer gcc __atomic builtins instead of older __sync builtins

Maxim Dounin mdounin at mdounin.ru
Mon Dec 4 21:07:57 UTC 2017


On Mon, Dec 04, 2017 at 04:37:50PM +0000, debayang.qdt wrote:

> For some architectures like armv8a  - newer GCC generates a full 
> barrier for the __sync operations compared to the __atomics .
> This is seen to give some performance lag on these architectures 
> when using __sync compared to the atomics apis under high 
> contention.
> The C++ atomic ops looks good as well 
> (http://mailman.nginx.org/pipermail/nginx-devel/2016-September/008805.html), 
> However I would like to test it out and confirm.
> e.g   sync_fetch_add with newer GCC:
>   58:   f94007e0        ldr     x0, [sp,#8]
>   5c:   c85f7c01         ldxr    x1, [x0]
>   60:   91000821        add     x1, x1, #0x2
>   64:   c802fc01         stlxr   w2, x1, [x0]
>   68:   35ffffa2           cbnz    w2, 5c <testing+0xc>
>   6c:   d5033bbf        dmb     ish   
> With atomics_fetch_add  with SEQ_CST:
>   58:   f94007e0        ldr     x0, [sp,#8]
>   5c:   c85ffc01          ldaxr   x1, [x0]
>   60:   91000821       add     x1, x1, #0x2
>   64:   c802fc01        stlxr   w2, x1, [x0]
>   68:   35ffffa2          cbnz    w2, 5c <testing+0xc>

Well, this may actualy mean that the __atomic and stdatomic 
variants won't work for us, as it does not seem to imply a barrier 
protecting other variables.  While it may not be important for 
many uses of ngx_atomic_fetch_add(), it is certainly important for 
ngx_atomic_cmp_set() we use for shared memory mutexes, where it is 
assumed to be a full barrier at least for the memory area the 
mutex protects.

(Just for the record, the GCC change in question seems to be 
documented at https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=65697.)

Maxim Dounin

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