SCGI Request format bug

Phil H phil at
Sat Jul 1 17:39:20 UTC 2017

I've got an SCGI project I'm working on.  My setup: buildroot, arm,
1.10.3.  I'm using auth_request to authorize any restricted resources,
auth_request uses SCGI to my auth client.  99% of the time, I get normal,
expected behavior.  Randomly an http resource will have a bad SCGI request
format from Nginx to my auth client, which causes that resource to get
denied.  It appears that Nginx has a problem formatting the SCGI request,
has an invalid size at the front (per SCGI spec), which is typically 6-8
bytes larger than the bytes sent over the socket.  Looks like a string
handling bug.  Here are some SCGI requests that come in bad ( 2 examples,
each one has good on top, bad below)

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