proxy_pass and concurrent connections

Дилян Палаузов dilyan.palauzov at
Wed Feb 28 16:30:09 UTC 2018


thanks for your answer.

The documentation is explicit when an upstream server is used with proxy_pass, but it says nothing, when proxy_pass is used with an URL.  Being explicit somewhere and stating nothing on the same manner in an alternative scenario leaves space for interpretations, hence my question.

The text "Warning: The ticket field 'nginx_version' is invalid: nginx_version is required " is misleading.  It is not a warning but a permanent error.

Moreover the 'Version' field was set, the message shall be "The 'nginx -V' field at the bottom is required" (or alternatively remove the Version field and leave only 'nging -V', then it will be absolutely clear what is meant).


On 02/28/18 16:52, Maxim Dounin wrote:
> Hello!
> On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 11:52:18AM +0100, Дилян Палаузов wrote:
>> when I try to enter a bug at
>>, choose as version
>> 1.12.x and submit the system rejects the ticket with the
>> message:
>> Warning: The ticket field 'nginx_version' is invalid:
>> nginx_version is required
> That's about the "nginx -V" field you've left blank.
>> And here is the actual question:
>> proxy_pass can accept an URL or a server group. When a server
>> group (upstream) is defined, then with max_conns= the maximum
>> number of simultaneous connections can be specified.
>> The documentation of proxy_pass shall clarify, whether by
>> default with URL only consequent connections are allowed/whether
>> defining upstream is the only way to introduce parallelism
>> towards the proxy.
> Or not, bacause the answer is obvious unless you have very strange
> background.  Moreover, the documentation explicitly explains the
> default for "max_conns", so this should be obvious regardless of
> the background:
> : max_conns=number
> : limits the maximum number of simultaneous active connections to
> : the proxied server (1.11.5). Default value is zero, meaning there
> : is no limit.
> If you for some reason think that only consequent connections are
> allowed, most likely you are facing limitations of your backend.

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