[Patch] flv: add support for time offset

winshining winshining at 163.com
Mon Aug 12 11:06:15 UTC 2019

Hi, balus
I think the second parameter of ngx_http_flv_read in ngx_http_flv_read_metadata and ngx_http_flv_read_tags is incorrect, it should be NGX_FLV_TAG_HEADER_SIZE.
Besides, 'keyframes' is a non-standard object in metadata, there is no description about it in official tech document, you can refer to https://www.adobe.com/devnet/f4v.html for details. Therefore, if a FLV file without the 'keyframes' object in metadata is played, the member 'times' of structure ngx_http_flv_file_t will be NULL, ngx_http_flv_timestamp_to_offset will crash then.
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