nginx for Windows - WSASend() socket error 10057

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Thu Feb 27 11:47:08 UTC 2020


On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 11:20:41AM +0100, Sergey Brester wrote:

> I could imagine that this doesn't work as expected because
> mail::auth_http simply makes fewer requests as you may assume (due to
> keep-alive + some internal "cache" for established connections).

There is no keep-alive nor any cache for established connections 
in auth_http.  The auth_http server is called for each 
authentication attempt.  As long as authentication is successful, 
nginx establishes an opaque connection to the backend server as 
indicated by the auth server response.


> @nginx-devel: I don't see a troubles to extend directives of
> "ngx_http_limit_req_module" to consider mail/server too.
> Are there some objections against that? 

There are no requests in mail.  Further, to delay authentication 
for clients auth_http already has the Auth-Wait header.

Further, I don't see what you are trying to debug here.  As I see 
from the messages in this thread, the issue was lack of IPv6 
listener while using an IPv6 address in auth_http, and it is 
already resolved.

Maxim Dounin

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