[PATCH] http_image_filter_module: Add HEIC and AVIF support / Add output format option

Alex Wiens awiens at mail.uni-paderborn.de
Thu Oct 28 15:03:32 UTC 2021

Yes, as it turns out, there are actually two shortcuts.
Here is a patch.
(The parent revision is an old one, but the file was not changed in the meantime.)
Thanks for finding the bug.

On 30.09.21 00:24, bes wrote:
> Hi, Alex.
> With your patch and this configuration:
>   image_filter resize 10000000 -; (something wider than input image)
>   image_filter convert webp;
> no conversion occurs but return headers contain content-type: image/webp
> I expect that when specifying the conversion filter it will apply anyway.
> Most likely there is a shortcut somewhere in the algorithm, where after the
> condition code goes directly to the output, but I could not find it.
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