what's the proper way to get module specific configuration in init_process

shanlei at asiainfo.com shanlei at asiainfo.com
Mon Jun 20 08:05:53 UTC 2022

Hello, guys,

Recently I have been working on an nginx c module, which have to 
leverage on init_process routine.The logic is based on instruction 
command which may be configured inside stream.server,  I have to do some 
work in the init_process routine, for example, to schedule a timer.
I did google a while ,and decide to using code snippet like below:


ngx_stream_conf_ctx_t conf_ctx = (ngx_stream_conf_ctx_t 
*)ngx_get_conf(cycle->conf_ctx, ngx_stream_module);

"module_spec_conf = conf_ctx->srv_conf["my_module".ctx_index];


However, the module_spec_conf  I got is the top_level ,that is created 
when nginx parse the stream section, not the one created when nginx 
parse the stream.server section, the later has the proper values. 
Currently to got the later structure, I have to copy the configure value 
back from child to parent in configuration merger function, which is 
inconvenient and buggy when the stream includes multi servers.

So I wonder what's the proper way to get module specific configuration 
in the routine: init_process



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