[PATCH 7 of 7] Tests: upstream configuration tests with re-resolvable servers
Aleksei Bavshin
a.bavshin at nginx.com
Thu Jul 18 18:20:44 UTC 2024
# HG changeset patch
# User Aleksei Bavshin <a.bavshin at nginx.com>
# Date 1712098324 25200
# Tue Apr 02 15:52:04 2024 -0700
# Node ID cf291bf98576d5ddd36ead2b7eacc0808120e66b
# Parent b396d0c2c62c796c76921dcf20960f8ba2515aba
Tests: upstream configuration tests with re-resolvable servers.
Based on the NGINX Plus tests authored by Sergey Kandaurov.
diff --git a/stream_upstream_resolve.t b/stream_upstream_resolve.t
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stream_upstream_resolve.t
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
+# (C) Nginx, Inc.
+# Stream tests for dynamic upstream configuration with re-resolvable servers.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Select;
+use Socket qw/ CRLF /;
+BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }
+use lib 'lib';
+use Test::Nginx;
+use Test::Nginx::Stream qw/ stream /;
+select STDERR; $| = 1;
+select STDOUT; $| = 1;
+my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/stream stream_upstream_zone/);
+$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');
+daemon off;
+events {
+stream {
+ upstream u {
+ zone z 1m;
+ server example.net:%%PORT_8080%% max_fails=0 resolve;
+ }
+ # lower the retry timeout after empty reply
+ resolver valid=1s;
+ # retry query shortly after DNS is started
+ resolver_timeout 1s;
+ log_format test $upstream_addr;
+ server {
+ listen;
+ proxy_pass u;
+ access_log %%TESTDIR%%/cc.log test;
+ proxy_next_upstream on;
+ proxy_connect_timeout 50ms;
+ }
+$t->run_daemon(\&dns_daemon, port(8983), $t)
+ ->waitforfile($t->testdir . '/' . port(8983));
+$t->try_run('no resolve in upstream server')->plan(11);
+my $p0 = port(8080);
+update_name({A => ''});
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+# A changed
+update_name({A => ''});
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+# 1 more A added
+update_name({A => ''});
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+# 1 A removed, 2 AAAA added
+update_name({A => '', AAAA => 'fe80::1 fe80::2'});
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+# all records removed
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+# A added after empty
+update_name({A => ''});
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+# changed to CNAME
+update_name({CNAME => 'alias'}, 4);
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+# bad DNS reply should not affect existing upstream configuration
+update_name({ERROR => 'SERVFAIL'});
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+Test::Nginx::log_core('||', $t->read_file('cc.log'));
+open my $f, '<', "${\($t->testdir())}/cc.log" or die "Can't open cc.log: $!";
+my $line;
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p0/, 'log - A');
+# A changed
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p0/, 'log - A changed');
+# 1 more A added
+$line = $f->getline();
+like($line, qr/$p0/, 'log - A A 1');
+like($line, qr/$p0/, 'log - A A 2');
+# 1 A removed, 2 AAAA added
+$line = $f->getline();
+like($line, qr/$p0/, 'log - A AAAA AAAA 1');
+like($line, qr/\[fe80::1\]:$p0/, 'log - A AAAA AAAA 2');
+like($line, qr/\[fe80::2\]:$p0/, 'log - A AAAA AAAA 3');
+# all records removed
+like($f->getline(), qr/^u$/, 'log - empty response');
+# A added after empty
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p0/, 'log - A added 1');
+# changed to CNAME
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p0/, 'log - CNAME 1');
+# bad DNS reply should not affect existing upstream configuration
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p0/, 'log - ERROR 1');
+sub update_name {
+ my ($name, $plan) = @_;
+ $plan = 2 if !defined $plan;
+ sub sock {
+ IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ PeerAddr => '' . port(8084)
+ )
+ or die "Can't connect to nginx: $!\n";
+ }
+ $name->{A} = '' unless $name->{A};
+ $name->{AAAA} = '' unless $name->{AAAA};
+ $name->{CNAME} = '' unless $name->{CNAME};
+ $name->{ERROR} = '' unless $name->{ERROR};
+ my $req =<<EOF;
+GET / HTTP/1.0
+Host: localhost
+X-A: $name->{A}
+X-AAAA: $name->{AAAA}
+X-CNAME: $name->{CNAME}
+X-ERROR: $name->{ERROR}
+ my ($gen) = http($req, socket => sock()) =~ /X-Gen: (\d+)/;
+ for (1 .. 10) {
+ my ($gen2) = http($req, socket => sock()) =~ /X-Gen: (\d+)/;
+ # let resolver cache expire to finish upstream reconfiguration
+ select undef, undef, undef, 0.5;
+ last unless ($gen + $plan > $gen2);
+ }
+sub reply_handler {
+ my ($recv_data, $h) = @_;
+ my (@name, @rdata);
+ use constant NOERROR => 0;
+ use constant SERVFAIL => 2;
+ use constant NXDOMAIN => 3;
+ use constant A => 1;
+ use constant CNAME => 5;
+ use constant AAAA => 28;
+ use constant DNAME => 39;
+ use constant IN => 1;
+ # default values
+ my ($hdr, $rcode, $ttl) = (0x8180, NOERROR, 1);
+ $h = {A => [ "" ]} unless defined $h;
+ # decode name
+ my ($len, $offset) = (undef, 12);
+ while (1) {
+ $len = unpack("\@$offset C", $recv_data);
+ last if $len == 0;
+ $offset++;
+ push @name, unpack("\@$offset A$len", $recv_data);
+ $offset += $len;
+ }
+ $offset -= 1;
+ my ($id, $type, $class) = unpack("n x$offset n2", $recv_data);
+ my $name = join('.', @name);
+ if ($h->{ERROR}) {
+ $rcode = SERVFAIL;
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ if ($name eq 'example.net') {
+ if ($type == A && $h->{A}) {
+ map { push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, $_) } @{$h->{A}};
+ }
+ if ($type == AAAA && $h->{AAAA}) {
+ map { push @rdata, rd_addr6($ttl, $_) } @{$h->{AAAA}};
+ }
+ my $cname = defined $h->{CNAME} ? $h->{CNAME} : 0;
+ if ($cname) {
+ push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa5n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
+ 8, 5, $cname, 0xc00c);
+ }
+ } elsif ($name eq 'alias.example.net') {
+ if ($type == A) {
+ push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, '');
+ }
+ }
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "DNS: $name $type $rcode");
+ $len = @name;
+ pack("n6 (C/a*)$len x n2", $id, $hdr | $rcode, 1, scalar @rdata,
+ 0, 0, @name, $type, $class) . join('', @rdata);
+sub rd_addr {
+ my ($ttl, $addr) = @_;
+ my $code = 'split(/\./, $addr)';
+ pack 'n3N nC4', 0xc00c, A, IN, $ttl, eval "scalar $code", eval($code);
+sub expand_ip6 {
+ my ($addr) = @_;
+ substr ($addr, index($addr, "::"), 2) =
+ join "0", map { ":" } (0 .. 8 - (split /:/, $addr) + 1);
+ map { hex "0" x (4 - length $_) . "$_" } split /:/, $addr;
+sub rd_addr6 {
+ my ($ttl, $addr) = @_;
+ pack 'n3N nn8', 0xc00c, AAAA, IN, $ttl, 16, expand_ip6($addr);
+sub dns_daemon {
+ my ($port, $t) = @_;
+ my ($data, $recv_data, $h);
+ my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ LocalAddr => '',
+ LocalPort => $port,
+ Proto => 'udp',
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $control = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ LocalHost => '' . port(8084),
+ Listen => 5,
+ Reuse => 1
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $sel = IO::Select->new($socket, $control);
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+ # signal we are ready
+ open my $fh, '>', $t->testdir() . '/' . $port;
+ close $fh;
+ my $cnt = 0;
+ while (my @ready = $sel->can_read) {
+ foreach my $fh (@ready) {
+ if ($control == $fh) {
+ my $new = $fh->accept;
+ $new->autoflush(1);
+ $sel->add($new);
+ } elsif ($socket == $fh) {
+ $fh->recv($recv_data, 65536);
+ $data = reply_handler($recv_data, $h);
+ $fh->send($data);
+ $cnt++;
+ } else {
+ $h = process_name($fh, $cnt);
+ $sel->remove($fh);
+ $fh->close;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# parse dns update
+sub process_name {
+ my ($client, $cnt) = @_;
+ my $port = $client->sockport();
+ my $headers = '';
+ my $uri = '';
+ my %h;
+ while (<$client>) {
+ $headers .= $_;
+ last if (/^\x0d?\x0a?$/);
+ }
+ return 1 if $headers eq '';
+ $uri = $1 if $headers =~ /^\S+\s+([^ ]+)\s+HTTP/i;
+ return 1 if $uri eq '';
+ $headers =~ /X-A: (.*)$/m;
+ map { push @{$h{A}}, $_ } split(/ /, $1);
+ $headers =~ /X-AAAA: (.*)$/m;
+ map { push @{$h{AAAA}}, $_ } split(/ /, $1);
+ $headers =~ /X-CNAME: (.*)$/m;
+ $h{CNAME} = $1;
+ $headers =~ /X-ERROR: (.*)$/m;
+ $h{ERROR} = $1;
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "$port: response, 200");
+ print $client <<EOF;
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Connection: close
+X-Gen: $cnt
+ return \%h;
diff --git a/stream_upstream_resolve_reload.t b/stream_upstream_resolve_reload.t
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stream_upstream_resolve_reload.t
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
+# (C) Nginx, Inc.
+# Stream tests for dynamic upstream configuration with re-resolvable servers.
+# Ensure that upstream configuration is inherited on reload.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Select;
+BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }
+use lib 'lib';
+use Test::Nginx;
+use Test::Nginx::Stream qw/ stream /;
+select STDERR; $| = 1;
+select STDOUT; $| = 1;
+plan(skip_all => 'win32') if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/stream stream_upstream_zone/);
+$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');
+daemon off;
+events {
+stream {
+ upstream u {
+ zone z 1m;
+ server example.net:%%PORT_8081%% resolve;
+ }
+ upstream u2 {
+ zone z 1m;
+ server max_fails=0;
+ server example.net:%%PORT_8081%% resolve max_fails=0;
+ }
+ # lower the retry timeout after empty reply
+ resolver valid=1s;
+ # retry query shortly after DNS is started
+ resolver_timeout 1s;
+ log_format test $upstream_addr;
+ server {
+ listen;
+ proxy_pass u;
+ proxy_connect_timeout 50ms;
+ access_log %%TESTDIR%%/cc.log test;
+ }
+ server {
+ listen;
+ proxy_pass u2;
+ proxy_connect_timeout 50ms;
+ access_log %%TESTDIR%%/cc2.log test;
+ }
+$t->run_daemon(\&dns_daemon, $t)->waitforfile($t->testdir . '/' . port(8980));
+$t->try_run('no resolve in upstream server')->plan(9);
+my $p = port(8081);
+update_name({A => ''});
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+stream('' . port(8083))->read();
+update_name({ERROR => 'SERVFAIL'}, 0);
+my $conf = $t->read_file('nginx.conf');
+$conf =~ s/$p/port(8082)/gmse;
+$t->write_file('nginx.conf', $conf);
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+stream('' . port(8083))->read();
+update_name({A => ''});
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+stream('' . port(8083))->read();
+Test::Nginx::log_core('||', $t->read_file('cc.log'));
+open my $f, '<', "${\($t->testdir())}/cc.log" or die "Can't open cc.log: $!";
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p/, 'log - before');
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p/, 'log - before 2');
+$p = port(8082);
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p/, 'log - preresolve');
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p/, 'log - preresolve 2');
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p/, 'log - update');
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p/, 'log - update 2');
+Test::Nginx::log_core('||', $t->read_file('cc2.log'));
+$p = port(8081);
+open $f, '<', "${\($t->testdir())}/cc2.log" or die "Can't open cc2.log: $!";
+like($f->getline(), qr/127.0.0.(201:$p,|203:$p,$p/,
+ 'log many - before');
+$p = port(8082);
+like($f->getline(), qr/127.0.0.(201:$p,|203:$p,$p/,
+ 'log many - preresolve');
+like($f->getline(), qr/127.0.0.(202:$p,|203:$p,$p/,
+ 'log many - update');
+sub waitforworker {
+ my ($t) = @_;
+ for (1 .. 30) {
+ last if $t->read_file('error.log') =~ /exited with code/;
+ select undef, undef, undef, 0.2;
+ }
+sub update_name {
+ my ($name, $plan) = @_;
+ $plan = 2 if !defined $plan;
+ sub sock {
+ IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ PeerAddr => '' . port(8081)
+ )
+ or die "Can't connect to nginx: $!\n";
+ }
+ $name->{A} = '' unless $name->{A};
+ $name->{ERROR} = '' unless $name->{ERROR};
+ my $req =<<EOF;
+GET / HTTP/1.0
+Host: localhost
+X-A: $name->{A}
+X-ERROR: $name->{ERROR}
+ my ($gen) = http($req, socket => sock()) =~ /X-Gen: (\d+)/;
+ for (1 .. 10) {
+ my ($gen2) = http($req, socket => sock()) =~ /X-Gen: (\d+)/;
+ # let resolver cache expire to finish upstream reconfiguration
+ select undef, undef, undef, 0.5;
+ last unless ($gen + $plan > $gen2);
+ }
+sub reply_handler {
+ my ($recv_data, $h) = @_;
+ my (@name, @rdata);
+ use constant NOERROR => 0;
+ use constant SERVFAIL => 2;
+ use constant NXDOMAIN => 3;
+ use constant A => 1;
+ use constant IN => 1;
+ # default values
+ my ($hdr, $rcode, $ttl) = (0x8180, NOERROR, 1);
+ $h = {A => [ "" ]} unless defined $h;
+ # decode name
+ my ($len, $offset) = (undef, 12);
+ while (1) {
+ $len = unpack("\@$offset C", $recv_data);
+ last if $len == 0;
+ $offset++;
+ push @name, unpack("\@$offset A$len", $recv_data);
+ $offset += $len;
+ }
+ $offset -= 1;
+ my ($id, $type, $class) = unpack("n x$offset n2", $recv_data);
+ my $name = join('.', @name);
+ if ($h->{ERROR}) {
+ $rcode = SERVFAIL;
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ if ($name eq 'example.net' && $type == A && $h->{A}) {
+ map { push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, $_) } @{$h->{A}};
+ }
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "DNS: $name $type $rcode");
+ $len = @name;
+ pack("n6 (C/a*)$len x n2", $id, $hdr | $rcode, 1, scalar @rdata,
+ 0, 0, @name, $type, $class) . join('', @rdata);
+sub rd_addr {
+ my ($ttl, $addr) = @_;
+ my $code = 'split(/\./, $addr)';
+ pack 'n3N nC4', 0xc00c, A, IN, $ttl, eval "scalar $code", eval($code);
+sub dns_daemon {
+ my ($t) = @_;
+ my ($data, $recv_data, $h);
+ my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ LocalAddr => '',
+ LocalPort => port(8980),
+ Proto => 'udp',
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $control = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ LocalHost => "" . port(8081),
+ Listen => 5,
+ Reuse => 1
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $sel = IO::Select->new($socket, $control);
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+ # signal we are ready
+ open my $fh, '>', $t->testdir() . '/' . port(8980);
+ close $fh;
+ my $cnt = 0;
+ while (my @ready = $sel->can_read) {
+ foreach my $fh (@ready) {
+ if ($control == $fh) {
+ my $new = $fh->accept;
+ $new->autoflush(1);
+ $sel->add($new);
+ } elsif ($socket == $fh) {
+ $fh->recv($recv_data, 65536);
+ $data = reply_handler($recv_data, $h);
+ $fh->send($data);
+ $cnt++;
+ } else {
+ $h = process_name($fh, $cnt);
+ $sel->remove($fh);
+ $fh->close;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# parse dns update
+sub process_name {
+ my ($client, $cnt) = @_;
+ my $port = $client->sockport();
+ my $headers = '';
+ my $uri = '';
+ my %h;
+ while (<$client>) {
+ $headers .= $_;
+ last if (/^\x0d?\x0a?$/);
+ }
+ return 1 if $headers eq '';
+ $uri = $1 if $headers =~ /^\S+\s+([^ ]+)\s+HTTP/i;
+ return 1 if $uri eq '';
+ $headers =~ /X-A: (.*)$/m;
+ map { push @{$h{A}}, $_ } split(/ /, $1);
+ $headers =~ /X-ERROR: (.*)$/m;
+ $h{ERROR} = $1;
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "$port: response, 200");
+ print $client <<EOF;
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Connection: close
+X-Gen: $cnt
+ return \%h;
diff --git a/stream_upstream_resolver.t b/stream_upstream_resolver.t
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stream_upstream_resolver.t
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
+# (C) Nginx, Inc.
+# Tests for re-resolvable servers with resolver in stream upstream.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }
+use lib 'lib';
+use Test::Nginx;
+use Test::Nginx::Stream qw/ stream /;
+select STDERR; $| = 1;
+select STDOUT; $| = 1;
+my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/stream stream_upstream_zone/);
+$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');
+daemon off;
+events {
+stream {
+ resolver;
+ upstream u {
+ zone z 1m;
+ server example.net:%%PORT_8080%% resolve;
+ }
+ upstream u1 {
+ zone z 1m;
+ server example.net:%%PORT_8080%% resolve;
+ resolver;
+ }
+ upstream u2 {
+ zone z 1m;
+ server example.net:%%PORT_8080%% resolve;
+ resolver;
+ resolver_timeout 200s; # for coverage
+ }
+ log_format test $upstream_addr;
+ proxy_connect_timeout 50ms;
+ server {
+ listen;
+ proxy_pass u;
+ access_log %%TESTDIR%%/access.log test;
+ }
+ server {
+ listen;
+ proxy_pass u1;
+ access_log %%TESTDIR%%/access1.log test;
+ }
+ server {
+ listen;
+ proxy_pass u2;
+ access_log %%TESTDIR%%/access2.log test;
+ }
+$t->run_daemon(\&dns_daemon, $t, port($_), port($_ + 10)) for (8980 .. 8982);
+$t->waitforfile($t->testdir . '/' . port($_)) for (8980 .. 8982);
+$t->try_run('no resolver in upstream')->plan(6);
+ok(waitfordns(8980), 'resolved');
+ok(waitfordns(8981), 'resolved in upstream 1');
+ok(waitfordns(8982), 'resolved in upstream 2');
+stream('' . port(8081))->read();
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+stream('' . port(8083))->read();
+like($t->read_file('access.log'), qr/, 'resolver');
+like($t->read_file('access1.log'), qr/, 'resolver upstream 1');
+like($t->read_file('access2.log'), qr/, 'resolver upstream 2');
+sub waitfordns {
+ my ($port, $plan) = @_;
+ $plan = 1 if !defined $plan;
+ sub sock {
+ my ($port) = @_;
+ IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ PeerAddr => '' . port($port + 10)
+ )
+ or die "Can't connect to dns control socket: $!\n";
+ }
+ my $req =<<EOF;
+GET / HTTP/1.0
+Host: localhost
+ for (1 .. 10) {
+ my ($gen) = http($req, socket => sock($port)) =~ /X-Gen: (\d+)/;
+ select undef, undef, undef, 0.5;
+ return 1 if $gen >= $plan;
+ }
+sub reply_handler {
+ my ($recv_data, $port) = @_;
+ my (@name, @rdata);
+ use constant NOERROR => 0;
+ use constant A => 1;
+ use constant IN => 1;
+ # default values
+ my ($hdr, $rcode, $ttl) = (0x8180, NOERROR, 1);
+ # decode name
+ my ($len, $offset) = (undef, 12);
+ while (1) {
+ $len = unpack("\@$offset C", $recv_data);
+ last if $len == 0;
+ $offset++;
+ push @name, unpack("\@$offset A$len", $recv_data);
+ $offset += $len;
+ }
+ $offset -= 1;
+ my ($id, $type, $class) = unpack("n x$offset n2", $recv_data);
+ my $name = join('.', @name);
+ if ($name eq 'example.net' && $type == A) {
+ if ($port == port(8980)) {
+ push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, "");
+ }
+ if ($port == port(8981)) {
+ push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, "");
+ }
+ if ($port == port(8982)) {
+ push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, "");
+ }
+ }
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "DNS: $name $type $rcode");
+ $len = @name;
+ pack("n6 (C/a*)$len x n2", $id, $hdr | $rcode, 1, scalar @rdata,
+ 0, 0, @name, $type, $class) . join('', @rdata);
+sub rd_addr {
+ my ($ttl, $addr) = @_;
+ my $code = 'split(/\./, $addr)';
+ pack 'n3N nC4', 0xc00c, A, IN, $ttl, eval "scalar $code", eval($code);
+sub dns_daemon {
+ my ($t, $port, $control_port) = @_;
+ my ($data, $recv_data);
+ my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ LocalAddr => '',
+ LocalPort => $port,
+ Proto => 'udp',
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $control = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ LocalAddr => '',
+ LocalPort => $control_port,
+ Listen => 5,
+ Reuse => 1
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $sel = IO::Select->new($socket, $control);
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+ # signal we are ready
+ open my $fh, '>', $t->testdir() . '/' . $port;
+ close $fh;
+ my $cnt = 0;
+ while (my @ready = $sel->can_read) {
+ foreach my $fh (@ready) {
+ if ($control == $fh) {
+ my $new = $fh->accept;
+ $new->autoflush(1);
+ $sel->add($new);
+ } elsif ($socket == $fh) {
+ $fh->recv($recv_data, 65536);
+ $data = reply_handler($recv_data, $port);
+ $fh->send($data);
+ $cnt++;
+ } else {
+ process_name($fh, $cnt);
+ $sel->remove($fh);
+ $fh->close;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# parse dns update
+sub process_name {
+ my ($client, $cnt) = @_;
+ my $port = $client->sockport();
+ my $headers = '';
+ my $uri = '';
+ my %h;
+ while (<$client>) {
+ $headers .= $_;
+ last if (/^\x0d?\x0a?$/);
+ }
+ return 1 if $headers eq '';
+ $uri = $1 if $headers =~ /^\S+\s+([^ ]+)\s+HTTP/i;
+ return 1 if $uri eq '';
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "$port: response, 200");
+ print $client <<EOF;
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Connection: close
+X-Gen: $cnt
+ return \%h;
diff --git a/stream_upstream_service.t b/stream_upstream_service.t
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stream_upstream_service.t
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
+# (C) Nginx, Inc.
+# Stream tests for dynamic upstream configuration with service (SRV) feature.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Select;
+BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }
+use lib 'lib';
+use Test::Nginx;
+use Test::Nginx::Stream qw/ stream /;
+select STDERR; $| = 1;
+select STDOUT; $| = 1;
+my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/stream stream_upstream_zone/);
+$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');
+daemon off;
+events {
+stream {
+ upstream u {
+ zone z 1m;
+ server example.net max_fails=0 resolve service=http;
+ }
+ upstream u2 {
+ zone z2 1m;
+ server example.net max_fails=0 resolve service=_http._tcp;
+ }
+ # lower the retry timeout after empty reply
+ resolver valid=1s;
+ # retry query shortly after DNS is started
+ resolver_timeout 1s;
+ log_format test $upstream_addr;
+ server {
+ listen;
+ proxy_pass u;
+ proxy_next_upstream on;
+ proxy_connect_timeout 50ms;
+ access_log %%TESTDIR%%/cc.log test;
+ }
+ server {
+ listen;
+ proxy_pass u2;
+ proxy_next_upstream on;
+ proxy_connect_timeout 50ms;
+ access_log %%TESTDIR%%/cc.log test;
+ }
+$t->write_file('t', '');
+$t->run_daemon(\&dns_daemon, $t)->waitforfile($t->testdir . '/' . port(8981));
+port(8981, socket => 1)->close();
+$t->try_run('no resolve in upstream server')->plan(20);
+my ($p0, $p2, $p3) = (port(8080), port(8082), port(8083));
+update_name({A => '', SRV => "1 5 $p0 example.net"});
+stream('' . port(8081))->read();
+# fully specified service
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+# A changed
+update_name({A => '', SRV => "1 5 $p0 example.net"});
+stream('' . port(8081))->read();
+# 1 more A added
+update_name({A => '', SRV => "1 5 $p0 example.net"});
+stream('' . port(8081))->read();
+# 1 A removed, 2 AAAA added
+update_name({A => '', AAAA => 'fe80::1 fe80::2',
+ SRV => "1 5 $p0 example.net"});
+stream('' . port(8081))->read();
+# all records removed
+update_name({SRV => "1 5 $p0 example.net"});
+stream('' . port(8081))->read();
+# all SRV records removed
+stream('' . port(8081))->read();
+# A added after empty
+update_name({A => '', SRV => "1 5 $p0 example.net"});
+stream('' . port(8081))->read();
+# SRV changed its weight
+update_name({A => '', SRV => "1 6 $p0 example.net"});
+stream('' . port(8081))->read();
+# changed to CNAME
+update_name({CNAME => 'alias'}, 2, 2);
+stream('' . port(8081))->read();
+# bad SRV reply should not affect existing upstream configuration
+update_name({CNAME => 'alias', ERROR => 'SERVFAIL'}, 1, 0);
+stream('' . port(8081))->read();
+update_name({ERROR => ''}, 1, 0);
+# 2 equal SRV RR
+update_name({A => '',
+ SRV => "1 5 $p0 example.net;1 5 $p0 example.net"});
+stream('' . port(8081))->read();
+# all equal records removed
+stream('' . port(8081))->read();
+# 2 different SRV RR
+update_name({A => '',
+ SRV => "1 5 $p2 example.net;2 6 $p3 alias.example.net"}, 1, 2);
+stream('' . port(8081))->read();
+# all different records removed
+stream('' . port(8081))->read();
+# bad subordinate reply should not affect existing upstream configuration
+update_name({A => '',
+ SRV => "1 5 $p0 example.net;1 5 $p0 example.net"});
+stream('' . port(8081))->read();
+update_name({A => '', SERROR => 'SERVFAIL',
+ SRV => "1 5 $p0 example.net;1 5 $p0 example.net"});
+stream('' . port(8081))->read();
+Test::Nginx::log_core('||', $t->read_file('cc.log'));
+open my $f, '<', "${\($t->testdir())}/cc.log" or die "Can't open cc.log: $!";
+my $line;
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p0/, 'log - A');
+# fully specified service
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p0/, 'log - A full');
+# A changed
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p0/, 'log - A changed');
+# 1 more A added
+$line = $f->getline();
+like($line, qr/$p0/, 'log - A A 1');
+like($line, qr/$p0/, 'log - A A 2');
+# 1 A removed, 2 AAAA added
+$line = $f->getline();
+like($line, qr/$p0/, 'log - A AAAA AAAA 1');
+like($line, qr/\[fe80::1\]:$p0/, 'log - A AAAA AAAA 2');
+like($line, qr/\[fe80::2\]:$p0/, 'log - A AAAA AAAA 3');
+# all records removed
+like($f->getline(), qr/^u$/, 'log - empty response');
+# all SRV records removed
+like($f->getline(), qr/^u$/, 'log - empty response');
+# A added after empty
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p0/, 'log - A added 1');
+# SRV changed its weight
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p0/, 'log - SRV weight');
+# changed to CNAME
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p0/, 'log - CNAME');
+# bad SRV reply should not affect existing upstream configuration
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p0/, 'log - ERROR');
+# 2 equal SRV RR
+like($f->getline(), qr/$p0,$p0/, 'log - SRV same');
+# all equal records removed
+like($f->getline(), qr/^u$/, 'log - SRV same removed');
+# 2 different SRV RR
+$line = $f->getline();
+like($line, qr/$p2,$p3/, 'log - SRV diff');
+# all different records removed
+like($f->getline(), qr/^u$/, 'log - SRV diff removed');
+# bad subordinate reply should not affect existing upstream configuration
+like($f->getline(), qr/, /, 'log - subordinate good');
+like($f->getline(), qr/, /, 'log - subordinate error');
+sub update_name {
+ my ($name, $plan, $plan6) = @_;
+ $plan = 1, $plan6 = 0 if !defined $name;
+ $plan = $plan6 = 1 if !defined $plan;
+ $plan += $plan6 + $plan6;
+ sub sock {
+ IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ PeerAddr => '' . port(8084)
+ )
+ or die "Can't connect to nginx: $!\n";
+ }
+ $name->{A} = '' unless $name->{A};
+ $name->{AAAA} = '' unless $name->{AAAA};
+ $name->{CNAME} = '' unless $name->{CNAME};
+ $name->{ERROR} = '' unless $name->{ERROR};
+ $name->{SERROR} = '' unless $name->{SERROR};
+ $name->{SRV} = '' unless $name->{SRV};
+ my $req =<<EOF;
+GET / HTTP/1.0
+Host: localhost
+X-A: $name->{A}
+X-AAAA: $name->{AAAA}
+X-CNAME: $name->{CNAME}
+X-ERROR: $name->{ERROR}
+X-SERROR: $name->{SERROR}
+X-SRV: $name->{SRV}
+ my ($gen) = http($req, socket => sock()) =~ /X-Gen: (\d+)/;
+ for (1 .. 10) {
+ my ($gen2) = http($req, socket => sock()) =~ /X-Gen: (\d+)/;
+ # let resolver cache expire to finish upstream reconfiguration
+ select undef, undef, undef, 0.5;
+ last unless ($gen + $plan > $gen2);
+ }
+sub reply_handler {
+ my ($recv_data, $h, $cnt, $tcp) = @_;
+ my (@name, @rdata);
+ use constant NOERROR => 0;
+ use constant FORMERR => 1;
+ use constant SERVFAIL => 2;
+ use constant NXDOMAIN => 3;
+ use constant A => 1;
+ use constant CNAME => 5;
+ use constant AAAA => 28;
+ use constant SRV => 33;
+ use constant IN => 1;
+ # default values
+ my ($hdr, $rcode, $ttl, $port) = (0x8180, NOERROR, 3600, port(8080));
+ $h = {A => [ "" ], SRV => [ "1 5 $port example.net" ]}
+ unless defined $h;
+ # decode name
+ my ($len, $offset) = (undef, 12);
+ while (1) {
+ $len = unpack("\@$offset C", $recv_data);
+ last if $len == 0;
+ $offset++;
+ push @name, unpack("\@$offset A$len", $recv_data);
+ $offset += $len;
+ }
+ $offset -= 1;
+ my ($id, $type, $class) = unpack("n x$offset n2", $recv_data);
+ my $name = join('.', @name);
+ if ($h->{ERROR} && $type == SRV) {
+ $rcode = SERVFAIL;
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ # subordinate error
+ if ($h->{SERROR} && $type != SRV) {
+ $rcode = SERVFAIL;
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ if ($name eq '_http._tcp.example.net') {
+ if ($type == SRV && $h->{SRV}) {
+ map { push @rdata, rd_srv($ttl, (split ' ', $_)) }
+ @{$h->{SRV}};
+ }
+ my $cname = defined $h->{CNAME} ? $h->{CNAME} : 0;
+ if ($cname) {
+ push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa5n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
+ 8, 5, "alias", 0xc00c + length("_http._tcp "));
+ }
+ } elsif ($name eq '_http._tcp.trunc.example.net' && $type == SRV) {
+ push @rdata, $tcp
+ ? rd_srv($ttl, 1, 1, $port, 'tcp.example.net')
+ : rd_srv($ttl, 1, 1, $port, 'example.net');
+ $hdr |= 0x0300 if $name eq '_http._tcp.trunc.example.net'
+ and !$tcp;
+ } elsif ($name eq 'example.net' || $name eq 'tcp.example.net') {
+ if ($type == A && $h->{A}) {
+ map { push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, $_) } @{$h->{A}};
+ }
+ if ($type == AAAA && $h->{AAAA}) {
+ map { push @rdata, rd_addr6($ttl, $_) } @{$h->{AAAA}};
+ }
+ my $cname = defined $h->{CNAME} ? $h->{CNAME} : 0;
+ if ($cname) {
+ push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa5n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
+ 8, 5, $cname, 0xc00c);
+ }
+ } elsif ($name eq 'alias.example.net') {
+ if ($type == SRV) {
+ push @rdata, rd_srv($ttl, 1, 5, $port, 'example.net');
+ }
+ if ($type == A) {
+ push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, '');
+ }
+ }
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "DNS: $name $type $rcode");
+ $$cnt++ if $type == SRV || keys %$h;
+ $len = @name;
+ pack("n6 (C/a*)$len x n2", $id, $hdr | $rcode, 1, scalar @rdata,
+ 0, 0, @name, $type, $class) . join('', @rdata);
+sub rd_srv {
+ my ($ttl, $pri, $w, $port, $name) = @_;
+ my @rdname = split /\./, $name;
+ my $rdlen = length(join '', @rdname) + @rdname + 7; # pri w port x
+ pack 'n3N n n3 (C/a*)* x',
+ 0xc00c, SRV, IN, $ttl, $rdlen, $pri, $w, $port, @rdname;
+sub rd_addr {
+ my ($ttl, $addr) = @_;
+ my $code = 'split(/\./, $addr)';
+ pack 'n3N nC4', 0xc00c, A, IN, $ttl, eval "scalar $code", eval($code);
+sub expand_ip6 {
+ my ($addr) = @_;
+ substr ($addr, index($addr, "::"), 2) =
+ join "0", map { ":" } (0 .. 8 - (split /:/, $addr) + 1);
+ map { hex "0" x (4 - length $_) . "$_" } split /:/, $addr;
+sub rd_addr6 {
+ my ($ttl, $addr) = @_;
+ pack 'n3N nn8', 0xc00c, AAAA, IN, $ttl, 16, expand_ip6($addr);
+sub dns_daemon {
+ my ($t) = @_;
+ my ($data, $recv_data, $h);
+ my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ LocalAddr => '',
+ LocalPort => port(8981),
+ Proto => 'udp',
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $control = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ LocalHost => '' . port(8084),
+ Listen => 5,
+ Reuse => 1
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $tcp = port(8981, socket => 1);
+ my $sel = IO::Select->new($socket, $control, $tcp);
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+ # signal we are ready
+ open my $fh, '>', $t->testdir() . '/' . port(8981);
+ close $fh;
+ my $cnt = 0;
+ while (my @ready = $sel->can_read) {
+ foreach my $fh (@ready) {
+ if ($control == $fh || $tcp == $fh) {
+ my $new = $fh->accept;
+ $new->autoflush(1);
+ $sel->add($new);
+ } elsif ($socket == $fh) {
+ $fh->recv($recv_data, 65536);
+ $data = reply_handler($recv_data, $h, \$cnt);
+ $fh->send($data);
+ } elsif ($fh->sockport() == port(8084)) {
+ $h = process_name($fh, $cnt);
+ $sel->remove($fh);
+ $fh->close;
+ } elsif ($fh->sockport() == port(8981)) {
+ $fh->recv($recv_data, 65536);
+ unless (length $recv_data) {
+ $sel->remove($fh);
+ $fh->close;
+ next;
+ }
+ my $len = unpack("n", $recv_data);
+ my $data = substr $recv_data, 2, $len;
+ $data = reply_handler($data, $h, \$cnt, 1);
+ $data = pack("n", length $data) . $data;
+ $fh->send($data);
+ $recv_data = substr $recv_data, 2 + $len;
+ goto again if length $recv_data;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# parse dns update
+sub process_name {
+ my ($client, $cnt) = @_;
+ my $port = $client->sockport();
+ my $headers = '';
+ my $uri = '';
+ my %h;
+ while (<$client>) {
+ $headers .= $_;
+ last if (/^\x0d?\x0a?$/);
+ }
+ return 1 if $headers eq '';
+ $uri = $1 if $headers =~ /^\S+\s+([^ ]+)\s+HTTP/i;
+ return 1 if $uri eq '';
+ $headers =~ /X-A: (.*)$/m;
+ map { push @{$h{A}}, $_ } split(/ /, $1);
+ $headers =~ /X-AAAA: (.*)$/m;
+ map { push @{$h{AAAA}}, $_ } split(/ /, $1);
+ $headers =~ /X-SRV: (.*)$/m;
+ map { push @{$h{SRV}}, $_ } split(/;/, $1);
+ $headers =~ /X-CNAME: (.+)$/m and $h{CNAME} = $1;
+ $headers =~ /X-ERROR: (.+)$/m and $h{ERROR} = $1;
+ $headers =~ /X-SERROR: (.+)$/m and $h{SERROR} = $1;
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "$port: response, 200");
+ print $client <<EOF;
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Connection: close
+X-Gen: $cnt
+ return \%h;
diff --git a/stream_upstream_service_reload.t b/stream_upstream_service_reload.t
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stream_upstream_service_reload.t
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
+# (C) Nginx, Inc.
+# Stream tests for dynamic upstream configuration with service (SRV) feature.
+# Ensure that upstream configuration is inherited on reload.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Select;
+BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }
+use lib 'lib';
+use Test::Nginx;
+use Test::Nginx::Stream qw/ stream /;
+select STDERR; $| = 1;
+select STDOUT; $| = 1;
+plan(skip_all => 'win32') if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/stream stream_upstream_zone/);
+$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');
+daemon off;
+events {
+stream {
+ upstream u {
+ zone z 1m;
+ server example.net resolve service=http;
+ }
+ # lower the retry timeout after empty reply
+ resolver valid=1s;
+ # retry query shortly after DNS is started
+ resolver_timeout 1s;
+ log_format test $upstream_addr;
+ server {
+ listen;
+ proxy_pass u;
+ proxy_connect_timeout 50ms;
+ access_log %%TESTDIR%%/cc.log test;
+ }
+$t->run_daemon(\&dns_daemon, $t)->waitforfile($t->testdir . '/' . port(8980));
+$t->try_run('no resolve in upstream server')->plan(6);
+update_name({A => '', SRV => "1 5 8080 example.net"});
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+update_name({ERROR => 'SERVFAIL'}, 0);
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+update_name({A => '', SRV => "1 5 8080 example.net"});
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+stream('' . port(8082))->read();
+Test::Nginx::log_core('||', $t->read_file('cc.log'));
+open my $f, '<', "${\($t->testdir())}/cc.log" or die "Can't open cc.log: $!";
+like($f->getline(), qr/, 'log - before');
+like($f->getline(), qr/, 'log - before 2');
+like($f->getline(), qr/, 'log - preresolve');
+like($f->getline(), qr/, 'log - preresolve 2');
+like($f->getline(), qr/, 'log - update');
+like($f->getline(), qr/, 'log - update 2');
+sub waitforworker {
+ my ($t) = @_;
+ for (1 .. 30) {
+ last if $t->read_file('error.log') =~ /exited with code/;
+ select undef, undef, undef, 0.2;
+ }
+sub update_name {
+ my ($name, $plan) = @_;
+ $plan = 3 if !defined $plan;
+ sub sock {
+ IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ PeerAddr => '' . port(8081)
+ )
+ or die "Can't connect to nginx: $!\n";
+ }
+ $name->{A} = '' unless $name->{A};
+ $name->{ERROR} = '' unless $name->{ERROR};
+ $name->{SRV} = '' unless $name->{SRV};
+ my $req =<<EOF;
+GET / HTTP/1.0
+Host: localhost
+X-A: $name->{A}
+X-ERROR: $name->{ERROR}
+X-SRV: $name->{SRV}
+ my ($gen) = http($req, socket => sock()) =~ /X-Gen: (\d+)/;
+ for (1 .. 10) {
+ my ($gen2) = http($req, socket => sock()) =~ /X-Gen: (\d+)/;
+ # let resolver cache expire to finish upstream reconfiguration
+ select undef, undef, undef, 0.5;
+ last unless ($gen + $plan > $gen2);
+ }
+sub reply_handler {
+ my ($recv_data, $h) = @_;
+ my (@name, @rdata);
+ use constant NOERROR => 0;
+ use constant SERVFAIL => 2;
+ use constant NXDOMAIN => 3;
+ use constant A => 1;
+ use constant SRV => 33;
+ use constant IN => 1;
+ # default values
+ my ($hdr, $rcode, $ttl, $port) = (0x8180, NOERROR, 3600, port(8080));
+ $h = {A => [ "" ], SRV => [ "1 5 $port example.net" ]}
+ unless defined $h;
+ # decode name
+ my ($len, $offset) = (undef, 12);
+ while (1) {
+ $len = unpack("\@$offset C", $recv_data);
+ last if $len == 0;
+ $offset++;
+ push @name, unpack("\@$offset A$len", $recv_data);
+ $offset += $len;
+ }
+ $offset -= 1;
+ my ($id, $type, $class) = unpack("n x$offset n2", $recv_data);
+ my $name = join('.', @name);
+ if ($h->{ERROR}) {
+ $rcode = SERVFAIL;
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ if ($name eq 'example.net' && $type == A && $h->{A}) {
+ map { push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, $_) } @{$h->{A}};
+ }
+ if ($name eq '_http._tcp.example.net' && $type == SRV && $h->{SRV}) {
+ map { push @rdata, rd_srv($ttl, (split ' ', $_)) }
+ @{$h->{SRV}};
+ }
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "DNS: $name $type $rcode");
+ $len = @name;
+ pack("n6 (C/a*)$len x n2", $id, $hdr | $rcode, 1, scalar @rdata,
+ 0, 0, @name, $type, $class) . join('', @rdata);
+sub rd_srv {
+ my ($ttl, $pri, $w, $port, $name) = @_;
+ my @rdname = split /\./, $name;
+ my $rdlen = length(join '', @rdname) + @rdname + 7; # pri w port x
+ pack 'n3N n n3 (C/a*)* x',
+ 0xc00c, SRV, IN, $ttl, $rdlen, $pri, $w, $port, @rdname;
+sub rd_addr {
+ my ($ttl, $addr) = @_;
+ my $code = 'split(/\./, $addr)';
+ pack 'n3N nC4', 0xc00c, A, IN, $ttl, eval "scalar $code", eval($code);
+sub dns_daemon {
+ my ($t) = @_;
+ my ($data, $recv_data, $h);
+ my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ LocalAddr => '',
+ LocalPort => port(8980),
+ Proto => 'udp',
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $control = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ LocalHost => "" . port(8081),
+ Listen => 5,
+ Reuse => 1
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $sel = IO::Select->new($socket, $control);
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+ # signal we are ready
+ open my $fh, '>', $t->testdir() . '/' . port(8980);
+ close $fh;
+ my $cnt = 0;
+ while (my @ready = $sel->can_read) {
+ foreach my $fh (@ready) {
+ if ($control == $fh) {
+ my $new = $fh->accept;
+ $new->autoflush(1);
+ $sel->add($new);
+ } elsif ($socket == $fh) {
+ $fh->recv($recv_data, 65536);
+ $data = reply_handler($recv_data, $h);
+ $fh->send($data);
+ $cnt++;
+ } else {
+ $h = process_name($fh, $cnt);
+ $sel->remove($fh);
+ $fh->close;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# parse dns update
+sub process_name {
+ my ($client, $cnt) = @_;
+ my $port = $client->sockport();
+ my $headers = '';
+ my $uri = '';
+ my %h;
+ while (<$client>) {
+ $headers .= $_;
+ last if (/^\x0d?\x0a?$/);
+ }
+ return 1 if $headers eq '';
+ $uri = $1 if $headers =~ /^\S+\s+([^ ]+)\s+HTTP/i;
+ return 1 if $uri eq '';
+ $headers =~ /X-A: (.*)$/m;
+ map { push @{$h{A}}, $_ } split(/ /, $1);
+ $headers =~ /X-SRV: (.*)$/m;
+ map { push @{$h{SRV}}, $_ } split(/;/, $1);
+ $headers =~ /X-ERROR: (.*)$/m;
+ $h{ERROR} = $1;
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "$port: response, 200");
+ print $client <<EOF;
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Connection: close
+X-Gen: $cnt
+ return \%h;
diff --git a/upstream_resolve.t b/upstream_resolve.t
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream_resolve.t
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
+# (C) Nginx, Inc.
+# Tests for dynamic upstream configuration with re-resolvable servers.
+# Ensure that dns updates are properly applied.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Select;
+use Socket qw/ CRLF /;
+BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }
+use lib 'lib';
+use Test::Nginx;
+select STDERR; $| = 1;
+select STDOUT; $| = 1;
+my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http proxy upstream_zone/);
+$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');
+daemon off;
+events {
+http {
+ upstream u {
+ zone z 1m;
+ server example.net:%%PORT_8080%% resolve max_fails=0;
+ }
+ # lower the retry timeout after empty reply
+ resolver valid=1s;
+ # retry query shortly after DNS is started
+ resolver_timeout 1s;
+ server {
+ listen;
+ listen [::1]:%%PORT_8080%%;
+ server_name localhost;
+ location / {
+ proxy_pass http://u/t;
+ proxy_connect_timeout 50ms;
+ add_header X-IP $upstream_addr;
+ error_page 502 504 redirect;
+ }
+ location /2 {
+ proxy_pass http://u/t;
+ add_header X-IP $upstream_addr;
+ }
+ location /t { }
+ }
+$t->write_file('t', '');
+$t->run_daemon(\&dns_daemon, $t)->waitforfile($t->testdir . '/' . port(8982));
+$t->try_run('no resolve in upstream server')->plan(18);
+my ($r, @n);
+my $p0 = port(8080);
+update_name({A => ''});
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 1, 'A');
+like($r, qr/$p0/, 'A 1');
+# A changed
+update_name({A => ''});
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 1, 'A changed');
+like($r, qr/$p0/, 'A changed 1');
+# 1 more A added
+update_name({A => ''});
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 2, 'A A');
+like($r, qr/$p0/, 'A A 1');
+like($r, qr/$p0/, 'A A 2');
+# 1 A removed, 2 AAAA added
+update_name({A => '', AAAA => 'fe80::1 fe80::2'});
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 3, 'A AAAA AAAA responses');
+like($r, qr/$p0/, 'A AAAA AAAA 1');
+like($r, qr/\[fe80::1\]:$p0/, 'A AAAA AAAA 2');
+like($r, qr/\[fe80::1\]:$p0/, 'A AAAA AAAA 3');
+# all records removed
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 0, 'empty response');
+# A added after empty
+update_name({A => ''});
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 1, 'A added');
+like($r, qr/$p0/, 'A added 1');
+# changed to CNAME
+update_name({CNAME => 'alias'}, 4);
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 1, 'CNAME');
+like($r, qr/$p0/, 'CNAME 1');
+# bad DNS reply should not affect existing upstream configuration
+update_name({ERROR => 'SERVFAIL'});
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 1, 'ERROR');
+like($r, qr/$p0/, 'ERROR 1');
+update_name({A => ''});
+sub update_name {
+ my ($name, $plan) = @_;
+ $plan = 2 if !defined $plan;
+ sub sock {
+ IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ PeerAddr => '' . port(8083)
+ )
+ or die "Can't connect to nginx: $!\n";
+ }
+ $name->{A} = '' unless $name->{A};
+ $name->{AAAA} = '' unless $name->{AAAA};
+ $name->{CNAME} = '' unless $name->{CNAME};
+ $name->{ERROR} = '' unless $name->{ERROR};
+ my $req =<<EOF;
+GET / HTTP/1.0
+Host: localhost
+X-A: $name->{A}
+X-AAAA: $name->{AAAA}
+X-CNAME: $name->{CNAME}
+X-ERROR: $name->{ERROR}
+ my ($gen) = http($req, socket => sock()) =~ /X-Gen: (\d+)/;
+ for (1 .. 10) {
+ my ($gen2) = http($req, socket => sock()) =~ /X-Gen: (\d+)/;
+ # let resolver cache expire to finish upstream reconfiguration
+ select undef, undef, undef, 0.5;
+ last unless ($gen + $plan > $gen2);
+ }
+sub reply_handler {
+ my ($recv_data, $h) = @_;
+ my (@name, @rdata);
+ use constant NOERROR => 0;
+ use constant SERVFAIL => 2;
+ use constant NXDOMAIN => 3;
+ use constant A => 1;
+ use constant CNAME => 5;
+ use constant AAAA => 28;
+ use constant DNAME => 39;
+ use constant IN => 1;
+ # default values
+ my ($hdr, $rcode, $ttl) = (0x8180, NOERROR, 1);
+ $h = {A => [ "" ]} unless defined $h;
+ # decode name
+ my ($len, $offset) = (undef, 12);
+ while (1) {
+ $len = unpack("\@$offset C", $recv_data);
+ last if $len == 0;
+ $offset++;
+ push @name, unpack("\@$offset A$len", $recv_data);
+ $offset += $len;
+ }
+ $offset -= 1;
+ my ($id, $type, $class) = unpack("n x$offset n2", $recv_data);
+ my $name = join('.', @name);
+ if ($h->{ERROR}) {
+ $rcode = SERVFAIL;
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ if ($name eq 'example.net') {
+ if ($type == A && $h->{A}) {
+ map { push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, $_) } @{$h->{A}};
+ }
+ if ($type == AAAA && $h->{AAAA}) {
+ map { push @rdata, rd_addr6($ttl, $_) } @{$h->{AAAA}};
+ }
+ my $cname = defined $h->{CNAME} ? $h->{CNAME} : 0;
+ if ($cname) {
+ push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa5n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
+ 8, 5, $cname, 0xc00c);
+ }
+ } elsif ($name eq 'alias.example.net') {
+ if ($type == A) {
+ push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, '');
+ }
+ }
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "DNS: $name $type $rcode");
+ $len = @name;
+ pack("n6 (C/a*)$len x n2", $id, $hdr | $rcode, 1, scalar @rdata,
+ 0, 0, @name, $type, $class) . join('', @rdata);
+sub rd_addr {
+ my ($ttl, $addr) = @_;
+ my $code = 'split(/\./, $addr)';
+ pack 'n3N nC4', 0xc00c, A, IN, $ttl, eval "scalar $code", eval($code);
+sub expand_ip6 {
+ my ($addr) = @_;
+ substr ($addr, index($addr, "::"), 2) =
+ join "0", map { ":" } (0 .. 8 - (split /:/, $addr) + 1);
+ map { hex "0" x (4 - length $_) . "$_" } split /:/, $addr;
+sub rd_addr6 {
+ my ($ttl, $addr) = @_;
+ pack 'n3N nn8', 0xc00c, AAAA, IN, $ttl, 16, expand_ip6($addr);
+sub dns_daemon {
+ my ($t) = @_;
+ my ($data, $recv_data, $h);
+ my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ LocalAddr => '',
+ LocalPort => port(8982),
+ Proto=> 'udp',
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $control = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ LocalHost => "" . port(8083),
+ Listen => 5,
+ Reuse => 1
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $sel = IO::Select->new($socket, $control);
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+ # signal we are ready
+ open my $fh, '>', $t->testdir() . '/' . port(8982);
+ close $fh;
+ my $cnt = 0;
+ while (my @ready = $sel->can_read) {
+ foreach my $fh (@ready) {
+ if ($control == $fh) {
+ my $new = $fh->accept;
+ $new->autoflush(1);
+ $sel->add($new);
+ } elsif ($socket == $fh) {
+ $fh->recv($recv_data, 65536);
+ $data = reply_handler($recv_data, $h);
+ $fh->send($data);
+ $cnt++;
+ } else {
+ $h = process_name($fh, $cnt);
+ $sel->remove($fh);
+ $fh->close;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# parse dns update
+sub process_name {
+ my ($client, $cnt) = @_;
+ my $port = $client->sockport();
+ my $headers = '';
+ my $uri = '';
+ my %h;
+ while (<$client>) {
+ $headers .= $_;
+ last if (/^\x0d?\x0a?$/);
+ }
+ return 1 if $headers eq '';
+ $uri = $1 if $headers =~ /^\S+\s+([^ ]+)\s+HTTP/i;
+ return 1 if $uri eq '';
+ $headers =~ /X-A: (.*)$/m;
+ map { push @{$h{A}}, $_ } split(/ /, $1);
+ $headers =~ /X-AAAA: (.*)$/m;
+ map { push @{$h{AAAA}}, $_ } split(/ /, $1);
+ $headers =~ /X-CNAME: (.*)$/m;
+ $h{CNAME} = $1;
+ $headers =~ /X-ERROR: (.*)$/m;
+ $h{ERROR} = $1;
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "$port: response, 200");
+ print $client <<EOF;
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Connection: close
+X-Gen: $cnt
+ return \%h;
diff --git a/upstream_resolve_reload.t b/upstream_resolve_reload.t
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream_resolve_reload.t
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
+# (C) Nginx, Inc.
+# Tests for dynamic upstream configuration with re-resolvable servers.
+# Ensure that upstream configuration is inherited on reload.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Select;
+BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }
+use lib 'lib';
+use Test::Nginx;
+select STDERR; $| = 1;
+select STDOUT; $| = 1;
+plan(skip_all => 'win32') if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http proxy upstream_zone/);
+$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');
+daemon off;
+events {
+http {
+ upstream u {
+ zone z 1m;
+ server example.net:%%PORT_8081%% resolve;
+ }
+ upstream u2 {
+ zone z 1m;
+ server max_fails=0;
+ server example.net:%%PORT_8081%% resolve max_fails=0;
+ }
+ # lower the retry timeout after empty reply
+ resolver valid=1s;
+ # retry query shortly after DNS is started
+ resolver_timeout 1s;
+ server {
+ listen;
+ server_name localhost;
+ location / {
+ proxy_pass http://u;
+ proxy_connect_timeout 50ms;
+ add_header X-IP $upstream_addr always;
+ }
+ location /2 {
+ proxy_pass http://u2;
+ proxy_connect_timeout 50ms;
+ add_header X-IP $upstream_addr always;
+ }
+ }
+$t->run_daemon(\&dns_daemon, $t)->waitforfile($t->testdir . '/' . port(8980));
+$t->try_run('no resolve in upstream server')->plan(9);
+my $p = port(8081);
+update_name({A => ''});
+like(http_get('/'), qr/X-IP:$p/, 'reload - before - request');
+like(http_get('/'), qr/X-IP:$p/, 'reload - before - request 2');
+like(http_get('/2'), qr/127.0.0.(201:$p,|203:$p,$p/,
+ 'reload - before - many');
+update_name({ERROR => 'SERVFAIL'}, 0);
+my $conf = $t->read_file('nginx.conf');
+$conf =~ s/$p/port(8082)/gmse;
+$p = port(8082);
+$t->write_file('nginx.conf', $conf);
+like(http_get('/'), qr/X-IP:$p/, 'reload - preresolve - request');
+like(http_get('/'), qr/X-IP:$p/, 'reload - preresolve - request 2');
+like(http_get('/2'), qr/127.0.0.(201:$p,|203:$p,$p/,
+ 'reload - preresolve - many');
+update_name({A => ''});
+like(http_get('/'), qr/X-IP:$p/, 'reload - update - request');
+like(http_get('/'), qr/X-IP:$p/, 'reload - update - request 2');
+like(http_get('/2'), qr/127.0.0.(202:$p,|203:$p,$p/,
+ 'reload - update - many');
+sub waitforworker {
+ my ($t) = @_;
+ for (1 .. 30) {
+ last if $t->read_file('error.log') =~ /exited with code/;
+ select undef, undef, undef, 0.2;
+ }
+sub update_name {
+ my ($name, $plan) = @_;
+ $plan = 2 if !defined $plan;
+ sub sock {
+ IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ PeerAddr => '' . port(8081)
+ )
+ or die "Can't connect to nginx: $!\n";
+ }
+ $name->{A} = '' unless $name->{A};
+ $name->{ERROR} = '' unless $name->{ERROR};
+ my $req =<<EOF;
+GET / HTTP/1.0
+Host: localhost
+X-A: $name->{A}
+X-ERROR: $name->{ERROR}
+ my ($gen) = http($req, socket => sock()) =~ /X-Gen: (\d+)/;
+ for (1 .. 10) {
+ my ($gen2) = http($req, socket => sock()) =~ /X-Gen: (\d+)/;
+ # let resolver cache expire to finish upstream reconfiguration
+ select undef, undef, undef, 0.5;
+ last unless ($gen + $plan > $gen2);
+ }
+sub reply_handler {
+ my ($recv_data, $h) = @_;
+ my (@name, @rdata);
+ use constant NOERROR => 0;
+ use constant SERVFAIL => 2;
+ use constant NXDOMAIN => 3;
+ use constant A => 1;
+ use constant IN => 1;
+ # default values
+ my ($hdr, $rcode, $ttl) = (0x8180, NOERROR, 1);
+ $h = {A => [ "" ]} unless defined $h;
+ # decode name
+ my ($len, $offset) = (undef, 12);
+ while (1) {
+ $len = unpack("\@$offset C", $recv_data);
+ last if $len == 0;
+ $offset++;
+ push @name, unpack("\@$offset A$len", $recv_data);
+ $offset += $len;
+ }
+ $offset -= 1;
+ my ($id, $type, $class) = unpack("n x$offset n2", $recv_data);
+ my $name = join('.', @name);
+ if ($h->{ERROR}) {
+ $rcode = SERVFAIL;
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ if ($name eq 'example.net' && $type == A && $h->{A}) {
+ map { push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, $_) } @{$h->{A}};
+ }
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "DNS: $name $type $rcode");
+ $len = @name;
+ pack("n6 (C/a*)$len x n2", $id, $hdr | $rcode, 1, scalar @rdata,
+ 0, 0, @name, $type, $class) . join('', @rdata);
+sub rd_addr {
+ my ($ttl, $addr) = @_;
+ my $code = 'split(/\./, $addr)';
+ pack 'n3N nC4', 0xc00c, A, IN, $ttl, eval "scalar $code", eval($code);
+sub dns_daemon {
+ my ($t) = @_;
+ my ($data, $recv_data, $h);
+ my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ LocalAddr => '',
+ LocalPort => port(8980),
+ Proto => 'udp',
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $control = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ LocalHost => "" . port(8081),
+ Listen => 5,
+ Reuse => 1
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $sel = IO::Select->new($socket, $control);
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+ # signal we are ready
+ open my $fh, '>', $t->testdir() . '/' . port(8980);
+ close $fh;
+ my $cnt = 0;
+ while (my @ready = $sel->can_read) {
+ foreach my $fh (@ready) {
+ if ($control == $fh) {
+ my $new = $fh->accept;
+ $new->autoflush(1);
+ $sel->add($new);
+ } elsif ($socket == $fh) {
+ $fh->recv($recv_data, 65536);
+ $data = reply_handler($recv_data, $h);
+ $fh->send($data);
+ $cnt++;
+ } else {
+ $h = process_name($fh, $cnt);
+ $sel->remove($fh);
+ $fh->close;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# parse dns update
+sub process_name {
+ my ($client, $cnt) = @_;
+ my $port = $client->sockport();
+ my $headers = '';
+ my $uri = '';
+ my %h;
+ while (<$client>) {
+ $headers .= $_;
+ last if (/^\x0d?\x0a?$/);
+ }
+ return 1 if $headers eq '';
+ $uri = $1 if $headers =~ /^\S+\s+([^ ]+)\s+HTTP/i;
+ return 1 if $uri eq '';
+ $headers =~ /X-A: (.*)$/m;
+ map { push @{$h{A}}, $_ } split(/ /, $1);
+ $headers =~ /X-ERROR: (.*)$/m;
+ $h{ERROR} = $1;
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "$port: response, 200");
+ print $client <<EOF;
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Connection: close
+X-Gen: $cnt
+ return \%h;
diff --git a/upstream_resolver.t b/upstream_resolver.t
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream_resolver.t
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
+# (C) Nginx, Inc.
+# Tests for re-resolvable servers with resolver in http upstream.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Select;
+use Socket qw/ CRLF /;
+BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }
+use lib 'lib';
+use Test::Nginx;
+select STDERR; $| = 1;
+select STDOUT; $| = 1;
+my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http proxy upstream_zone/);
+$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');
+daemon off;
+events {
+http {
+ resolver;
+ upstream u {
+ zone z 1m;
+ server example.net:%%PORT_8080%% resolve;
+ }
+ upstream u1 {
+ zone z 1m;
+ server example.net:%%PORT_8080%% resolve;
+ resolver;
+ }
+ upstream u2 {
+ zone z 1m;
+ server example.net:%%PORT_8080%% resolve;
+ resolver;
+ resolver_timeout 200s; # for coverage
+ }
+ server {
+ listen;
+ server_name localhost;
+ location / {
+ proxy_pass http://$args/t;
+ proxy_connect_timeout 50ms;
+ add_header X-IP $upstream_addr;
+ error_page 502 504 redirect;
+ }
+ }
+$t->run_daemon(\&dns_daemon, $t, port($_), port($_ + 10)) for (8980 .. 8982);
+$t->waitforfile($t->testdir . '/' . port($_)) for (8980 .. 8982);
+$t->try_run('no resolver in upstream')->plan(6);
+ok(waitfordns(8980), 'resolved');
+ok(waitfordns(8981), 'resolved in upstream 1');
+ok(waitfordns(8982), 'resolved in upstream 2');
+like(http_get('/?u'), qr/, 'resolver');
+like(http_get('/?u1'), qr/, 'resolver upstream 1');
+like(http_get('/?u2'), qr/, 'resolver upstream 2');
+sub waitfordns {
+ my ($port, $plan) = @_;
+ $plan = 1 if !defined $plan;
+ sub sock {
+ my ($port) = @_;
+ IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ PeerAddr => '' . port($port + 10)
+ )
+ or die "Can't connect to dns control socket: $!\n";
+ }
+ my $req =<<EOF;
+GET / HTTP/1.0
+Host: localhost
+ for (1 .. 10) {
+ my ($gen) = http($req, socket => sock($port)) =~ /X-Gen: (\d+)/;
+ select undef, undef, undef, 0.5;
+ return 1 if $gen >= $plan;
+ }
+sub reply_handler {
+ my ($recv_data, $port) = @_;
+ my (@name, @rdata);
+ use constant NOERROR => 0;
+ use constant A => 1;
+ use constant IN => 1;
+ # default values
+ my ($hdr, $rcode, $ttl) = (0x8180, NOERROR, 1);
+ # decode name
+ my ($len, $offset) = (undef, 12);
+ while (1) {
+ $len = unpack("\@$offset C", $recv_data);
+ last if $len == 0;
+ $offset++;
+ push @name, unpack("\@$offset A$len", $recv_data);
+ $offset += $len;
+ }
+ $offset -= 1;
+ my ($id, $type, $class) = unpack("n x$offset n2", $recv_data);
+ my $name = join('.', @name);
+ if ($name eq 'example.net' && $type == A) {
+ if ($port == port(8980)) {
+ push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, "");
+ }
+ if ($port == port(8981)) {
+ push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, "");
+ }
+ if ($port == port(8982)) {
+ push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, "");
+ }
+ }
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "DNS: $name $type $rcode");
+ $len = @name;
+ pack("n6 (C/a*)$len x n2", $id, $hdr | $rcode, 1, scalar @rdata,
+ 0, 0, @name, $type, $class) . join('', @rdata);
+sub rd_addr {
+ my ($ttl, $addr) = @_;
+ my $code = 'split(/\./, $addr)';
+ pack 'n3N nC4', 0xc00c, A, IN, $ttl, eval "scalar $code", eval($code);
+sub dns_daemon {
+ my ($t, $port, $control_port) = @_;
+ my ($data, $recv_data);
+ my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ LocalAddr => '',
+ LocalPort => $port,
+ Proto => 'udp',
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $control = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ LocalAddr => '',
+ LocalPort => $control_port,
+ Listen => 5,
+ Reuse => 1
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $sel = IO::Select->new($socket, $control);
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+ # signal we are ready
+ open my $fh, '>', $t->testdir() . '/' . $port;
+ close $fh;
+ my $cnt = 0;
+ while (my @ready = $sel->can_read) {
+ foreach my $fh (@ready) {
+ if ($control == $fh) {
+ my $new = $fh->accept;
+ $new->autoflush(1);
+ $sel->add($new);
+ } elsif ($socket == $fh) {
+ $fh->recv($recv_data, 65536);
+ $data = reply_handler($recv_data, $port);
+ $fh->send($data);
+ $cnt++;
+ } else {
+ process_name($fh, $cnt);
+ $sel->remove($fh);
+ $fh->close;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# parse dns update
+sub process_name {
+ my ($client, $cnt) = @_;
+ my $port = $client->sockport();
+ my $headers = '';
+ my $uri = '';
+ my %h;
+ while (<$client>) {
+ $headers .= $_;
+ last if (/^\x0d?\x0a?$/);
+ }
+ return 1 if $headers eq '';
+ $uri = $1 if $headers =~ /^\S+\s+([^ ]+)\s+HTTP/i;
+ return 1 if $uri eq '';
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "$port: response, 200");
+ print $client <<EOF;
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Connection: close
+X-Gen: $cnt
+ return \%h;
diff --git a/upstream_service.t b/upstream_service.t
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream_service.t
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
+# (C) Nginx, Inc.
+# Tests for dynamic upstream configuration with service (SRV) feature.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Select;
+use Socket qw/ CRLF /;
+BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }
+use lib 'lib';
+use Test::Nginx;
+select STDERR; $| = 1;
+select STDOUT; $| = 1;
+my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http proxy upstream_zone/);
+$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');
+daemon off;
+events {
+http {
+ upstream u {
+ zone z 1m;
+ server example.net resolve service=http max_fails=0;
+ }
+ upstream u2 {
+ zone z2 1m;
+ server example.net resolve service=_http._tcp;
+ }
+ # lower the retry timeout after empty reply
+ resolver valid=1s;
+ # retry query shortly after DNS is started
+ resolver_timeout 1s;
+ server {
+ listen;
+ server_name localhost;
+ add_header X-IP $upstream_addr;
+ error_page 502 504 redirect;
+ proxy_connect_timeout 50ms;
+ location / {
+ proxy_pass http://u/t;
+ }
+ location /full {
+ proxy_pass http://u2/t;
+ }
+ location /t { }
+ }
+$t->write_file('t', '');
+$t->run_daemon(\&dns_daemon, $t)->waitforfile($t->testdir . '/' . port(8981));
+port(8981, socket => 1)->close();
+$t->try_run('no service in upstream server')->plan(30);
+my ($r, @n);
+my ($p0, $p2, $p3) = (port(8080), port(8082), port(8083));
+update_name({A => '', SRV => "1 5 $p0 example.net"});
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 1, 'A');
+like($r, qr/$p0/, 'A 1');
+# fully specified service
+$r = http_get('/full');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 1, 'A full');
+like($r, qr/$p0/, 'A full 1');
+# A changed
+update_name({A => '', SRV => "1 5 $p0 example.net"});
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 1, 'A changed');
+like($r, qr/$p0/, 'A changed 1');
+# 1 more A added
+update_name({A => '', SRV => "1 5 $p0 example.net"});
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 2, 'A A');
+like($r, qr/$p0/, 'A A 1');
+like($r, qr/$p0/, 'A A 2');
+# 1 A removed, 2 AAAA added
+update_name({A => '', AAAA => 'fe80::1 fe80::2',
+ SRV => "1 5 $p0 example.net"});
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 3, 'A AAAA AAAA responses');
+like($r, qr/$p0/, 'A AAAA AAAA 1');
+like($r, qr/\[fe80::1\]:$p0/, 'A AAAA AAAA 2');
+like($r, qr/\[fe80::1\]:$p0/, 'A AAAA AAAA 3');
+# all records removed
+update_name({SRV => "1 5 $p0 example.net"});
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 0, 'empty SRV response');
+# all SRV records removed
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 0, 'empty response');
+# A added after empty
+update_name({A => '', SRV => "1 5 $p0 example.net"});
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 1, 'A added');
+like($r, qr/$p0/, 'A added 1');
+# SRV changed its weight
+update_name({A => '', SRV => "1 6 $p0 example.net"});
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 1, 'SRV weight');
+like($r, qr/$p0/, 'SRV weight 1');
+# changed to CNAME
+update_name({CNAME => 'alias'}, 2, 2);
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 1, 'CNAME');
+like($r, qr/$p0/, 'CNAME 1');
+# bad SRV reply should not affect existing upstream configuration
+update_name({CNAME => 'alias', ERROR => 'SERVFAIL'}, 1, 0);
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 1, 'ERROR');
+like($r, qr/$p0/, 'ERROR 1');
+update_name({ERROR => ''}, 1, 0);
+# 2 equal SRV RR
+update_name({A => '',
+ SRV => "1 5 $p0 example.net;1 5 $p0 example.net"});
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:$p0/g, 2, 'SRV same');
+like($r, qr/$p0,$p0/, 'SRV same peers');
+# all equal records removed
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:($p0|$p2|$p3)/g, 0, 'SRV same removed');
+# 2 different SRV RR
+update_name({A => '',
+ SRV => "1 5 $p2 example.net;2 6 $p3 alias.example.net"}, 1, 2);
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:($p2|$p3)/g, 2, 'SRV diff');
+like($r, qr/$p2/, 'SRV diff 1');
+like($r, qr/$p3/, 'SRV diff 2');
+# all different records removed
+$r = http_get('/');
+is(@n = $r =~ /:($p0|$p2|$p3)/g, 0, 'SRV diff removed');
+sub update_name {
+ my ($name, $plan, $plan6) = @_;
+ $plan = 1, $plan6 = 0 if !defined $name;
+ $plan = $plan6 = 1 if !defined $plan;
+ $plan += $plan6 + $plan6;
+ sub sock {
+ IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ PeerAddr => '' . port(8084)
+ )
+ or die "Can't connect to nginx: $!\n";
+ }
+ $name->{A} = '' unless $name->{A};
+ $name->{AAAA} = '' unless $name->{AAAA};
+ $name->{CNAME} = '' unless $name->{CNAME};
+ $name->{ERROR} = '' unless $name->{ERROR};
+ $name->{SERROR} = '' unless $name->{SERROR};
+ $name->{SRV} = '' unless $name->{SRV};
+ my $req =<<EOF;
+GET / HTTP/1.0
+Host: localhost
+X-A: $name->{A}
+X-AAAA: $name->{AAAA}
+X-CNAME: $name->{CNAME}
+X-ERROR: $name->{ERROR}
+X-SERROR: $name->{SERROR}
+X-SRV: $name->{SRV}
+ my ($gen) = http($req, socket => sock()) =~ /X-Gen: (\d+)/;
+ for (1 .. 10) {
+ my ($gen2) = http($req, socket => sock()) =~ /X-Gen: (\d+)/;
+ # let resolver cache expire to finish upstream reconfiguration
+ select undef, undef, undef, 0.5;
+ last unless ($gen + $plan > $gen2);
+ }
+sub reply_handler {
+ my ($recv_data, $h, $cnt, $tcp) = @_;
+ my (@name, @rdata);
+ use constant NOERROR => 0;
+ use constant FORMERR => 1;
+ use constant SERVFAIL => 2;
+ use constant NXDOMAIN => 3;
+ use constant A => 1;
+ use constant CNAME => 5;
+ use constant AAAA => 28;
+ use constant SRV => 33;
+ use constant IN => 1;
+ # default values
+ my ($hdr, $rcode, $ttl, $port) = (0x8180, NOERROR, 3600, port(8080));
+ $h = {A => [ "" ], SRV => [ "1 5 $port example.net" ]}
+ unless defined $h;
+ # decode name
+ my ($len, $offset) = (undef, 12);
+ while (1) {
+ $len = unpack("\@$offset C", $recv_data);
+ last if $len == 0;
+ $offset++;
+ push @name, unpack("\@$offset A$len", $recv_data);
+ $offset += $len;
+ }
+ $offset -= 1;
+ my ($id, $type, $class) = unpack("n x$offset n2", $recv_data);
+ my $name = join('.', @name);
+ if ($h->{ERROR} && $type == SRV) {
+ $rcode = SERVFAIL;
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ # subordinate error
+ if ($h->{SERROR} && $type != SRV) {
+ $rcode = SERVFAIL;
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ if ($name eq '_http._tcp.example.net') {
+ if ($type == SRV && $h->{SRV}) {
+ map { push @rdata, rd_srv($ttl, (split ' ', $_)) }
+ @{$h->{SRV}};
+ }
+ my $cname = defined $h->{CNAME} ? $h->{CNAME} : 0;
+ if ($cname) {
+ push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa5n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
+ 8, 5, "alias", 0xc00c + length("_http._tcp "));
+ }
+ } elsif ($name eq '_http._tcp.trunc.example.net' && $type == SRV) {
+ push @rdata, $tcp
+ ? rd_srv($ttl, 1, 1, $port, 'tcp.example.net')
+ : rd_srv($ttl, 1, 1, $port, 'example.net');
+ $hdr |= 0x0300 if $name eq '_http._tcp.trunc.example.net'
+ and !$tcp;
+ } elsif ($name eq 'example.net' || $name eq 'tcp.example.net') {
+ if ($type == A && $h->{A}) {
+ map { push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, $_) } @{$h->{A}};
+ }
+ if ($type == AAAA && $h->{AAAA}) {
+ map { push @rdata, rd_addr6($ttl, $_) } @{$h->{AAAA}};
+ }
+ my $cname = defined $h->{CNAME} ? $h->{CNAME} : 0;
+ if ($cname) {
+ push @rdata, pack("n3N nCa5n", 0xc00c, CNAME, IN, $ttl,
+ 8, 5, $cname, 0xc00c);
+ }
+ } elsif ($name eq 'alias.example.net') {
+ if ($type == SRV) {
+ push @rdata, rd_srv($ttl, 1, 5, $port, 'example.net');
+ }
+ if ($type == A) {
+ push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, '');
+ }
+ }
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "DNS: $name $type $rcode");
+ $$cnt++ if $type == SRV || keys %$h;
+ $len = @name;
+ pack("n6 (C/a*)$len x n2", $id, $hdr | $rcode, 1, scalar @rdata,
+ 0, 0, @name, $type, $class) . join('', @rdata);
+sub rd_srv {
+ my ($ttl, $pri, $w, $port, $name) = @_;
+ my @rdname = split /\./, $name;
+ my $rdlen = length(join '', @rdname) + @rdname + 7; # pri w port x
+ pack 'n3N n n3 (C/a*)* x',
+ 0xc00c, SRV, IN, $ttl, $rdlen, $pri, $w, $port, @rdname;
+sub rd_addr {
+ my ($ttl, $addr) = @_;
+ my $code = 'split(/\./, $addr)';
+ pack 'n3N nC4', 0xc00c, A, IN, $ttl, eval "scalar $code", eval($code);
+sub expand_ip6 {
+ my ($addr) = @_;
+ substr ($addr, index($addr, "::"), 2) =
+ join "0", map { ":" } (0 .. 8 - (split /:/, $addr) + 1);
+ map { hex "0" x (4 - length $_) . "$_" } split /:/, $addr;
+sub rd_addr6 {
+ my ($ttl, $addr) = @_;
+ pack 'n3N nn8', 0xc00c, AAAA, IN, $ttl, 16, expand_ip6($addr);
+sub dns_daemon {
+ my ($t) = @_;
+ my ($data, $recv_data, $h);
+ my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ LocalAddr => '',
+ LocalPort => port(8981),
+ Proto => 'udp',
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $control = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ LocalHost => '' . port(8084),
+ Listen => 5,
+ Reuse => 1
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $tcp = port(8981, socket => 1);
+ my $sel = IO::Select->new($socket, $control, $tcp);
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+ # signal we are ready
+ open my $fh, '>', $t->testdir() . '/' . port(8981);
+ close $fh;
+ my $cnt = 0;
+ while (my @ready = $sel->can_read) {
+ foreach my $fh (@ready) {
+ if ($control == $fh || $tcp == $fh) {
+ my $new = $fh->accept;
+ $new->autoflush(1);
+ $sel->add($new);
+ } elsif ($socket == $fh) {
+ $fh->recv($recv_data, 65536);
+ $data = reply_handler($recv_data, $h, \$cnt);
+ $fh->send($data);
+ } elsif ($fh->sockport() == port(8084)) {
+ $h = process_name($fh, $cnt);
+ $sel->remove($fh);
+ $fh->close;
+ } elsif ($fh->sockport() == port(8981)) {
+ $fh->recv($recv_data, 65536);
+ unless (length $recv_data) {
+ $sel->remove($fh);
+ $fh->close;
+ next;
+ }
+ my $len = unpack("n", $recv_data);
+ my $data = substr $recv_data, 2, $len;
+ $data = reply_handler($data, $h, \$cnt, 1);
+ $data = pack("n", length $data) . $data;
+ $fh->send($data);
+ $recv_data = substr $recv_data, 2 + $len;
+ goto again if length $recv_data;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# parse dns update
+sub process_name {
+ my ($client, $cnt) = @_;
+ my $port = $client->sockport();
+ my $headers = '';
+ my $uri = '';
+ my %h;
+ while (<$client>) {
+ $headers .= $_;
+ last if (/^\x0d?\x0a?$/);
+ }
+ return 1 if $headers eq '';
+ $uri = $1 if $headers =~ /^\S+\s+([^ ]+)\s+HTTP/i;
+ return 1 if $uri eq '';
+ $headers =~ /X-A: (.*)$/m;
+ map { push @{$h{A}}, $_ } split(/ /, $1);
+ $headers =~ /X-AAAA: (.*)$/m;
+ map { push @{$h{AAAA}}, $_ } split(/ /, $1);
+ $headers =~ /X-SRV: (.*)$/m;
+ map { push @{$h{SRV}}, $_ } split(/;/, $1);
+ $headers =~ /X-CNAME: (.+)$/m and $h{CNAME} = $1;
+ $headers =~ /X-ERROR: (.+)$/m and $h{ERROR} = $1;
+ $headers =~ /X-SERROR: (.+)$/m and $h{SERROR} = $1;
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "$port: response, 200");
+ print $client <<EOF;
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Connection: close
+X-Gen: $cnt
+ return \%h;
diff --git a/upstream_service_reload.t b/upstream_service_reload.t
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstream_service_reload.t
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# (C) Sergey Kandaurov
+# (C) Nginx, Inc.
+# Tests for dynamic upstream configuration with service (SRV) feature.
+# Ensure that upstream configuration is inherited on reload.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use IO::Select;
+BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }
+use lib 'lib';
+use Test::Nginx;
+select STDERR; $| = 1;
+select STDOUT; $| = 1;
+plan(skip_all => 'win32') if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
+my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http upstream_zone/);
+$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');
+daemon off;
+events {
+http {
+ upstream u {
+ zone z 1m;
+ server example.net resolve service=http;
+ }
+ # lower the retry timeout after empty reply
+ resolver valid=1s;
+ # retry query shortly after DNS is started
+ resolver_timeout 1s;
+ server {
+ listen;
+ server_name localhost;
+ location / {
+ proxy_pass http://u;
+ proxy_connect_timeout 50ms;
+ add_header X-IP $upstream_addr always;
+ }
+ }
+$t->run_daemon(\&dns_daemon, $t)->waitforfile($t->testdir . '/' . port(8980));
+$t->try_run('no resolve in upstream server')->plan(6);
+update_name({A => '', SRV => "1 5 42 example.net"});
+like(http_get('/'), qr/X-IP:, 'reload - before - request');
+like(http_get('/'), qr/X-IP:, 'reload - before - request 2');
+update_name({ERROR => 'SERVFAIL'}, 0);
+like(http_get('/'), qr/X-IP:, 'reload - preresolve - request');
+like(http_get('/'), qr/X-IP:, 'reload - preresolve - request 2');
+update_name({A => '', SRV => "1 5 42 example.net"});
+like(http_get('/'), qr/X-IP:, 'reload - update - request');
+like(http_get('/'), qr/X-IP:, 'reload - update - request 2');
+sub waitforworker {
+ my ($t) = @_;
+ for (1 .. 30) {
+ last if $t->read_file('error.log') =~ /exited with code/;
+ select undef, undef, undef, 0.2;
+ }
+sub update_name {
+ my ($name, $plan) = @_;
+ $plan = 3 if !defined $plan;
+ sub sock {
+ IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ PeerAddr => '' . port(8081)
+ )
+ or die "Can't connect to nginx: $!\n";
+ }
+ $name->{A} = '' unless $name->{A};
+ $name->{ERROR} = '' unless $name->{ERROR};
+ $name->{SRV} = '' unless $name->{SRV};
+ my $req =<<EOF;
+GET / HTTP/1.0
+Host: localhost
+X-A: $name->{A}
+X-ERROR: $name->{ERROR}
+X-SRV: $name->{SRV}
+ my ($gen) = http($req, socket => sock()) =~ /X-Gen: (\d+)/;
+ for (1 .. 10) {
+ my ($gen2) = http($req, socket => sock()) =~ /X-Gen: (\d+)/;
+ # let resolver cache expire to finish upstream reconfiguration
+ select undef, undef, undef, 0.5;
+ last unless ($gen + $plan > $gen2);
+ }
+sub reply_handler {
+ my ($recv_data, $h) = @_;
+ my (@name, @rdata);
+ use constant NOERROR => 0;
+ use constant SERVFAIL => 2;
+ use constant NXDOMAIN => 3;
+ use constant A => 1;
+ use constant SRV => 33;
+ use constant IN => 1;
+ # default values
+ my ($hdr, $rcode, $ttl, $port) = (0x8180, NOERROR, 3600, port(8080));
+ $h = {A => [ "" ], SRV => [ "1 5 $port example.net" ]}
+ unless defined $h;
+ # decode name
+ my ($len, $offset) = (undef, 12);
+ while (1) {
+ $len = unpack("\@$offset C", $recv_data);
+ last if $len == 0;
+ $offset++;
+ push @name, unpack("\@$offset A$len", $recv_data);
+ $offset += $len;
+ }
+ $offset -= 1;
+ my ($id, $type, $class) = unpack("n x$offset n2", $recv_data);
+ my $name = join('.', @name);
+ if ($h->{ERROR}) {
+ $rcode = SERVFAIL;
+ goto bad;
+ }
+ if ($name eq 'example.net' && $type == A && $h->{A}) {
+ map { push @rdata, rd_addr($ttl, $_) } @{$h->{A}};
+ }
+ if ($name eq '_http._tcp.example.net' && $type == SRV && $h->{SRV}) {
+ map { push @rdata, rd_srv($ttl, (split ' ', $_)) }
+ @{$h->{SRV}};
+ }
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "DNS: $name $type $rcode");
+ $len = @name;
+ pack("n6 (C/a*)$len x n2", $id, $hdr | $rcode, 1, scalar @rdata,
+ 0, 0, @name, $type, $class) . join('', @rdata);
+sub rd_srv {
+ my ($ttl, $pri, $w, $port, $name) = @_;
+ my @rdname = split /\./, $name;
+ my $rdlen = length(join '', @rdname) + @rdname + 7; # pri w port x
+ pack 'n3N n n3 (C/a*)* x',
+ 0xc00c, SRV, IN, $ttl, $rdlen, $pri, $w, $port, @rdname;
+sub rd_addr {
+ my ($ttl, $addr) = @_;
+ my $code = 'split(/\./, $addr)';
+ pack 'n3N nC4', 0xc00c, A, IN, $ttl, eval "scalar $code", eval($code);
+sub dns_daemon {
+ my ($t) = @_;
+ my ($data, $recv_data, $h);
+ my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ LocalAddr => '',
+ LocalPort => port(8980),
+ Proto => 'udp',
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $control = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ LocalHost => "" . port(8081),
+ Listen => 5,
+ Reuse => 1
+ )
+ or die "Can't create listening socket: $!\n";
+ my $sel = IO::Select->new($socket, $control);
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+ # signal we are ready
+ open my $fh, '>', $t->testdir() . '/' . port(8980);
+ close $fh;
+ my $cnt = 0;
+ while (my @ready = $sel->can_read) {
+ foreach my $fh (@ready) {
+ if ($control == $fh) {
+ my $new = $fh->accept;
+ $new->autoflush(1);
+ $sel->add($new);
+ } elsif ($socket == $fh) {
+ $fh->recv($recv_data, 65536);
+ $data = reply_handler($recv_data, $h);
+ $fh->send($data);
+ $cnt++;
+ } else {
+ $h = process_name($fh, $cnt);
+ $sel->remove($fh);
+ $fh->close;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# parse dns update
+sub process_name {
+ my ($client, $cnt) = @_;
+ my $port = $client->sockport();
+ my $headers = '';
+ my $uri = '';
+ my %h;
+ while (<$client>) {
+ $headers .= $_;
+ last if (/^\x0d?\x0a?$/);
+ }
+ return 1 if $headers eq '';
+ $uri = $1 if $headers =~ /^\S+\s+([^ ]+)\s+HTTP/i;
+ return 1 if $uri eq '';
+ $headers =~ /X-A: (.*)$/m;
+ map { push @{$h{A}}, $_ } split(/ /, $1);
+ $headers =~ /X-SRV: (.*)$/m;
+ map { push @{$h{SRV}}, $_ } split(/;/, $1);
+ $headers =~ /X-ERROR: (.*)$/m;
+ $h{ERROR} = $1;
+ Test::Nginx::log_core('||', "$port: response, 200");
+ print $client <<EOF;
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Connection: close
+X-Gen: $cnt
+ return \%h;
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