Ошибки accept() getsockname() close()

Константин kot at ereality.ru
Tue Nov 28 13:24:19 MSK 2006

Здравствуйте, Игорь!

Установил nginx, настроил PHP FastCGI, запустил сервер..

Решил глянуть /var/log/nginx-error.log

И был в шоке от огромного кол-ва ошибок типа:

2006/11/24 03:36:55 [error] 95460#0: accept() failed (53: Software caused connection abort) while accepting new connection on
2006/11/24 03:37:18 [error] 95472#0: accept() failed (53: Software caused connection abort) while accepting new connection on
2006/11/24 03:37:20 [error] 95472#0: accept() failed (53: Software caused connection abort) while accepting new connection on
2006/11/24 03:38:27 [error] 95456#0: accept() failed (53: Software caused connection abort) while accepting new connection on
2006/11/24 03:38:38 [error] 95461#0: accept() failed (53: Software caused connection abort) while accepting new connection on
2006/11/24 03:38:54 [error] 95457#0: accept() failed (53: Software caused connection abort) while accepting new connection on

А также:
2006/11/24 00:50:51 [crit] 95459#0: *73459711 getsockname() failed (54: Connection reset by peer), client:
вот эти ошибки тоже довольно часто встречаются, особенно при пиковых

2006/11/24 01:01:20 [error] 95458#0: accept() failed (53: Software caused connection abort) while accepting new connection on

2006/11/24 01:01:50 [alert] 95468#0: close() socket failed (22: Invalid argument)
   на это думаю можно не обращать внимания...

подскажите, в чем может быть проблема?

Версия nginx-0.3.49

из nginx.conf
worker_processes  16;
worker_connections  3000;
use kqueue;

из sysctl

kern.ipc.maxsockbuf: 262144
kern.ipc.numopensockets: 3658
kern.ipc.maxsockets: 12328
kern.ipc.somaxconn: 1024

# systat -tcp

 TCP Connections                    TCP Packets
       771connections initiated         20438total packets sent
      1670connections accepted           5983- data
      3111connections established          1 - data (retransmit)
        5 connections dropped           10604- ack-only
        0 - in embryonic state             0 - window probes
        0 - on retransmit timeout        106 - window updates
        0 - by keepalive                   0 - urgent data only
        0 - from listen queue            2785- control
                                           0 - resends by PMTU discovery
          TCP Timers                    17273total packets received
      7676potential rtt updates          8509- in sequence
      8653- successful                     0 - completely duplicate
        0 delayed acks sent                0 - with some duplicate data
        1 retransmit timeouts              5 - out-of-order
        0 persist timeouts               2073- duplicate acks
        0 keepalive probes               9513- acks
        0 - timeouts                       0 - window probes
                                          86 - window updates
                                           0 - bad checksum

5 connections dropped - че-то не очень мне нравится оно..

netstat -n | grep -c tcp
С уважением,

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