worker process 7035 exited on signal 11 (core dumped)

Alexey Rymonin x-phoenix at
Fri Aug 17 00:04:37 MSD 2007

Hello Igor,

Thursday, August 16, 2007, 11:22:54 PM, you wrote:

IS> On Thu, Aug 16, 2007 at 10:28:52PM +0400, Alexey Rymonin wrote:

>> Current function is ngx_devpoll_process_events (optimized)
>>   406           if (c->fd == -1) {
>> (dbx)
>> Что дальше мне сделать? (на всякий случай, я в жизни не пользовался
>> dbx. То есть если можно, то подробно :-)...)

IS> p events
IS> p i
IS> p event_list[i]
p ngx_cycle->>files[event_list[i].fd]
IS> p *c

ну собственно:
Dbx typically cannot show auto variables in optimized code. The reason is that the variables typically do not have a stable location, or might be eliminated altogether. Similarly, source code lines don't have a stable relationship to object code. The debug data emitted by Sun compilers is not enough to keep track of these issues.
We plan to provide better debugging of optimized code in a future release.
Dbx can show the value returned from a function, which in your case might be enough.

(dbx) bt
=>[1] ngx_devpoll_process_events(cycle = ???, timer = ???, flags = ???) (optimized), at 0x4f52cf (line ~406) in "ngx_devpoll_module.c"

Игорь, у вас есть какие-нить идеи?

Best regards,
 Alexey                            mailto:x-phoenix at

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