Linux 2.6 epoll Connection timed out

voron voron at
Fri Jan 19 08:50:38 MSK 2007

Igor Sysoev пишет:
> Прилагаемый патч должен помочь.
из дебаг лога

2007/01/19 07:27:11 [debug] 5459#0: epoll timer: 59915
2007/01/19 07:27:11 [debug] 5459#0: epoll: fd:9 ev:0019 d:080C1780
2007/01/19 07:27:11 [debug] 5459#0: epoll_wait() error on fd:9 ev:0019
2007/01/19 07:27:11 [debug] 5459#0: *1 http read blocked
2007/01/19 07:27:11 [info] 5459#0: *1 client closed prematurely 
connection (104: Connection reset by peer) while sending response to client

Да, помог.


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