502 Bad Gateway в PHPMyAdmin при импорте дампа
Alexey Bobok
alexey.bobok at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 11:35:44 MSD 2007
Есть связка Inet - nginx (внешний IP) - Apache(
При аплоаде файла дампа sql-баз (2,65 Mb) возникает ошибка
502 Bad Gateway
вот что в логах nginx:
2007/09/18 10:18:53 [warn] 85681#0: *172 a client request body is buffered to a temporary file
/var/tmp/nginx/client_body_temp/0000000003, client: 89.252.*.52, server: phpma.*.*.kiev.ua,
URL: "/import.php", host: "phpma.*.*.kiev.ua",
referrer: "http://phpma.*.*.kiev.ua/server_import.php?token=7dcc2f606674b18493a80bc1fec69d50"
2007/09/18 10:19:29 [error] 85681#0: *172 upstream prematurely closed connection while
reading response header from upstream, client: 89.252.*.52, server:
phpma.*.*.kiev.ua, URL: "/import.php", upstream: "", host: "phpma.*.*.kiev.ua", referrer:
Логи Апача в примерно ето время:
89.252.*.52 - root [18/Sep/2007:10:18:35 +0300] "GET /server_import.php?token=7dcc2f606674b18493a80bc1fec69d50 HTTP/1.0" 200 11890
89.252.*.52 - root [18/Sep/2007:10:19:29 +0300] "POST /import.php HTTP/1.0" 200 -
в php.ini:
post_max_size = 512M
upload_max_filesize = 512M
в httpd.conf:
Timeout 15
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 1000
KeepAliveTimeout 15
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 5
StartServers 10
MaxClients 100
MaxRequestsPerChild 15000
в nginx.conf:
## Секция http
keepalive_timeout 90;
send_timeout 90;
tcp_nodelay on;
proxy_buffering on;
proxy_connect_timeout 75;
proxy_ignore_client_abort on;
gzip on;
server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;
client_max_body_size 1024M;
client_header_timeout 90;
gzip_buffers 4 4k;
gzip_proxied any;
gzip_comp_level 5;
## в субдомене:
location ~ \.php$ {
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
В чем может быть трабла?
С уважением,
Алексей Бобок mailto:alexey.bobok at gmail.com
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