pcre_compile() failed: failed to get memory

Aleksej Novikov aleksej at novikov.lv
Fri Apr 25 15:41:00 MSD 2008

Hello ,

  Такая вот ерунда иногда бывает.

# /etc/init.d/nginx restart
 * Checking nginx' configuration ...
2008/04/25 13:24:21 [emerg] 10995#0: malloc() 16384 bytes failed (12: Cannot allocate memory)
2008/04/25 13:24:21 [emerg] 10995#0: pcre_compile() failed: failed to get memory in "^.+\.(php)$" at "^.+\.(php)$" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:276262
2008/04/25 13:24:21 [emerg] 10995#0: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed
 * failed, please correct errors above

 Конфиг нереально больщой, в нём порядка 30.000 хостов.

Best regards,
ICQ:    293-686-24

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