Re[3]: циклический ресет при закачке файлов

Vladimir Fursin fursin at
Wed Apr 1 12:57:19 MSD 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009, 3:48:18 PM, you wrote:
> Это не дебаг - это у вас обычный error.log

> Вам надо
> - собрать nginx с опцией --with-debug
> - добавить в конфиг волшебное слово
>    debug_connection XX.XX.XX.XX.bmc-ea;
>    (возможно, понадобится ручками разрешить имя и вписать адрес)

09:52:33.684545 IP > S 1943448155:1943448155(0) win 8192 <mss 1452,nop,nop,sackOK>
E..03. at .}.C     M..,.......Ps..[....p. .............
09:52:33.684568 IP > S 301706704:301706704(0) ack 1943448156 win 5840 <mss 1460,nop,nop,sackOK>
E..0.. at .@.......M..,.P......s..\p...%...........
09:52:33.711450 IP > . ack 1 win 65340
E..(3. at .}.C     M..,.......Ps..\....P..<jJ........
09:52:33.792055 IP > P 1:741(740) ack 1 win 65340
E...3. at .}. at .M..,.......Ps..\....P..<....GET /fetch/mp3/oGFr0z8SWUcyOXuRb-AMNP4LA6D
09:52:33.792072 IP > . ack 741 win 6660
E..(!. at .@.......M..,.P......s.. at P...L...
09:52:33.797301 IP > P 1:231(230) ack 741 win 6660
E...!. at .@.......M..,.P......s.. at P....%..HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.6.35
09:52:33.797342 IP > . 231:1683(1452) ack 741 win 6660
E...!. at .@../....M..,.P......s.. at P.......ID3.....        .TPE2............ ........TPE1...
09:52:33.822846 IP > . ack 1683 win 65340
E..(3. at .}.B.M..,.......Ps.. at ...cP..<`.........
09:52:33.822867 IP > . 1683:6039(4356) ack 741 win 6660
E..,!. at .@.......M..,.P.....cs.. at P....C.........................c.o................
09:52:33.847535 IP > . ack 4587 win 65340
E..(3. at .}.B.M..,.......Ps.. at ....P..<U|........
09:52:33.847551 IP > . 6039:10395(4356) ack 741 win 6660
E..,!. at .@.......M.., at P....C............................................
09:52:33.848492 IP > F 741:741(0) ack 4587 win 65340
E..(3. at .}.B.M..,.......Ps.. at ....P..<U{........
09:52:33.872426 IP > . ack 7491 win 65340
E..(3. at .}.B.M..,.......Ps..A....P..<J#........
09:52:33.872446 IP > . 10395:14751(4356) ack 742 win 6660
E..,!. at .@.......M..,.P.....ks..AP....C............................................
09:52:33.873426 IP > R 742:742(0) ack 8943 win 0
E..(3. at .}.B.M..,.......Ps..A....P...C.........
09:52:33.874213 IP > R 1943448896:1943448896(0) win 0
E..(3. at .}.B.M..,.......Ps.. at s..@P....e........
09:52:33.898545 IP > R 1943448897:1943448897(0) win 0
E..(3. at .}.B.M..,.......Ps..As..AP....c........
09:52:33.899669 IP > R 1943448897:1943448897(0) win 0
E..(3. at .}.B.M..,.......Ps..As..AP....c........
09:52:33.900288 IP > R 1943448897:1943448897(0) win 0
E..(3. at .}.B.M..,.......Ps..As..AP....c........

2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 accept: XX.XX.XX.XX fd:57
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 event timer add: 57: 60000:1618232047
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 epoll add event: fd:57 op:1 ev:80000001
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: posted event 00000000
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: posted events 00000000
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: worker cycle
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: accept mutex locked
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: epoll timer: 46073
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: epoll: fd:6 ev:0001 d:B7F01008

2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: post event 08B83188
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: timer delta: 10
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: posted event 08B83188
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: delete posted event 08B83188
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: accept on, ready: 0
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: malloc: 08BE6CB8:256
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: epoll: fd:57 ev:0001 d:B7F015F9
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 malloc: 08BED588:640
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 malloc: 08BF72F0:1024
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 malloc: 08BF76F8:4096
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http process request line
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 recv: fd:57 740 of 1024
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http request line: "GET /fetch/mp3/oGFr0z8SWUcyOXuRb-AMNP4LA6Dq80l0h6xQz+-0HHVgHBL54diaGt5iTI-tGTDRDhEP8nLHLvi7ijxcg9QCscRNPejlHCI+HNT0c4yxbQpYYJzQppK8XCHrxZk6V1oJz9qofR6xa-o=/04-audioknigi-puteshestvie_v_stranu_guingnamov_glava_02chast_2.mp3 HTTP/1.1"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http uri: "/fetch/mp3/oGFr0z8SWUcyOXuRb-AMNP4LA6Dq80l0h6xQz+-0HHVgHBL54diaGt5iTI-tGTDRDhEP8nLHLvi7ijxcg9QCscRNPejlHCI+HNT0c4yxbQpYYJzQppK8XCHrxZk6V1oJz9qofR6xa-o=/04-audioknigi-puteshestvie_v_stranu_guingnamov_glava_02chast_2.mp3"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http args: ""
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http exten: "mp3"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http process request header line
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http header: "Host:"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http header: "Accept: */*"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http header: "Referer:"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http header: "Cookie:"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98)"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http header: "Pragma: no-cache"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http header: "Cache-Control: no-cache"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http header: "Connection: close"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http header done
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 event timer del: 57: 1618232047
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 generic phase: 0
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 generic phase: 1
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script regex: "^/fetch/mp3/(.*)$"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script copy: "/nginx.php
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script args
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script copy: "/nginx.phppath=
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script var: "/nginx.phppath=XX.XX.XX.XX
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script copy: "/nginx.phppath=XX.XX.XX.XX-
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script capture: "/nginx.phppath=XX.XX.XX.XX-oGFr0z8SWUcyOXuRb-AMNP4LA6Dq80l0h6xQz%2b-0HHVgHBL54diaGt5iTI-tGTDRDhEP8nLHLvi7ijxcg9QCscRNPejlHCI%2bHNT0c4yxbQpYYJzQppK8XCHrxZk6V1oJz9qofR6xa-o=/04-audioknigi-puteshestvie_v_stranu_guingnamov_glava_02chast_2.mp3
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script regex end
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 find location for "/nginx.php"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 find location: "/"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 find location: = "/404.html"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 find location: "/data-5"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 find location: "/data-6"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 find location: "/data-7"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 find location: "/data-A"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 find location: "/home"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 find location: "/nginx_status"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 using configuration "/"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http cl:-1 max:10485760
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 generic phase: 3
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 post rewrite phase: 4
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 generic phase: 5
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 generic phase: 6
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 access phase: 7
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 access phase: 8
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 post access phase: 9
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http init upstream, client timer: 0
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 epoll add event: fd:57 op:3 ev:80000005
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script copy: ""
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script var: ""
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script copy: ""
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script copy: ""
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script var: ""
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script copy: ""
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script copy: ""
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script var: ""
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script copy: ""
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script copy: ""
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http proxy header: "Accept: */*"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http proxy header: "Referer:"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http proxy header: "Cookie:"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http proxy header: "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98)"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http proxy header: "Pragma: no-cache"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http proxy header: "Cache-Control: no-cache"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http proxy header:
"GET /nginx.php?path=XX.XX.XX.XX-oGFr0z8SWUcyOXuRb-AMNP4LA6Dq80l0h6xQz%2b-0HHVgHBL54diaGt5iTI-tGTDRDhEP8nLHLvi7ijxcg9QCscRNPejlHCI%2bHNT0c4yxbQpYYJzQppK8XCHrxZk6V1oJz9qofR6xa-o=/04-audioknigi-puteshestvie_v_stranu_guingnamov_glava_02chast_2.mp3 HTTP/1.0
X-Forwarded-For: XX.XX.XX.XX
Connection: close
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98)
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache

2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http cleanup add: 08BF8388
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 get rr peer, try: 1
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 socket 65
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 epoll add connection: fd:65 ev:80000005
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 connect to, fd:65 #1663795
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http upstream connect: -2
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 event timer add: 65: 90000:1618262214

2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: timer delta: 107
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: posted events 00000000
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: worker cycle
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: accept mutex lock failed: 0
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: epoll timer: 500
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: epoll: fd:57 ev:0004 d:B7F015F9
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http upstream check client, write event:1, "/nginx.php"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http upstream recv(): -1 (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: epoll: fd:65 ev:0004 d:B7F01739
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http upstream send request handler
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http upstream send request
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 chain writer buf fl:1 s:821
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 chain writer in: 08BF83A4
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 writev: 821
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 chain writer out: 00000000
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 event timer del: 65: 1618262214
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 event timer add: 65: 90000:1618262215

2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: timer delta: 4
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: posted events 00000000
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: worker cycle
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: accept mutex lock failed: 0
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: epoll timer: 500
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: epoll: fd:65 ev:0005 d:B7F01739
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http upstream process header
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 malloc: 08BFBB20:4096
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 recv: fd:65 234 of 4096
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http proxy status 200 "200 OK"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http proxy header: "Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 06:52:33 GMT"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http proxy header: "Server: Apache/2.2.6 (Fedora)"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http proxy header: "X-Powered-By: PHP/5.1.6"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http proxy header: "X-Accel-Redirect: /data-6/mp3/39/12/26.mp3"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http proxy header: "Content-Length: 0"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http proxy header: "Connection: close"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http proxy header: "Content-Type: application/octet-stream"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http proxy header done
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 finalize http upstream request: -5
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 finalize http proxy request
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 free rr peer 1 0
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 close http upstream connection: 65
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 event timer del: 65: 1618262215
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 internal redirect: "/data-6/mp3/39/12/26.mp3?"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 generic phase: 1
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http script regex: "^/fetch/mp3/(.*)$"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 find location for "/data-6/mp3/39/12/26.mp3"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 find location: "/"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 find location: = "/404.html"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 find location: "/data-5"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 find location: "/data-6"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 find location: "/data-7"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 using configuration "/data-6"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http cl:-1 max:1048576
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 generic phase: 3
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 post rewrite phase: 4
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 generic phase: 5
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 generic phase: 6
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 access phase: 7
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 access phase: 8
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 post access phase: 9
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 content phase: 10
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 content phase: 11
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 content phase: 12
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http filename: "/data-6/mp3/39/12/26.mp3"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 add cleanup: 08BF8648
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http static fd: 65
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http set discard body
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 malloc: 08BFCB28:4096
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/0.6.35
Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 06:52:33 GMT
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Length: 8647425
Last-Modified: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 14:39:18 GMT
Connection: close
Accept-Ranges: bytes

2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 write new buf t:1 f:0 08BFCBCC, pos 08BFCBCC, size: 230 file: 0, size: 0
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http write filter: l:0 f:0 s:230
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http output filter "/data-6/mp3/39/12/26.mp3?"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 copy filter: "/data-6/mp3/39/12/26.mp3?"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http postpone filter "/data-6/mp3/39/12/26.mp3?" BF901EF8
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http postpone filter out "/data-6/mp3/39/12/26.mp3?"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 write old buf t:1 f:0 08BFCBCC, pos 08BFCBCC, size: 230 file: 0, size: 0
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 write new buf t:0 f:1 00000000, pos 00000000, size: 0 file: 0, size: 8647425
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http write filter: l:1 f:0 s:8647655
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http write filter limit 0
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 writev: 230
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 sendfile: @0 8647425
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 sendfile: 33396, @0 33396:8647425
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http write filter 08BF86D0
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 copy filter: -2 "/data-6/mp3/39/12/26.mp3?"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http finalize request: -2, "/data-6/mp3/39/12/26.mp3?"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 event timer add: 57: 60000:1618232219

2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: timer delta: 52
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: posted events 00000000
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: worker cycle
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: accept mutex lock failed: 0
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: epoll timer: 500
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: epoll: fd:57 ev:0001 d:B7F015F9
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http test reading
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [info] 15409#0: *1663791 client closed prematurely connection while sending response to client, client: XX.XX.XX.XX, server:, request: "GET /fetch/mp3/oGFr0z8SWUcyOXuRb-AMNP4LA6Dq80l0h6xQz+-0HHVgHBL54diaGt5iTI-tGTDRDhEP8nLHLvi7ijxcg9QCscRNPejlHCI+HNT0c4yxbQpYYJzQppK8XCHrxZk6V1oJz9qofR6xa-o=/04-audioknigi-puteshestvie_v_stranu_guingnamov_glava_02chast_2.mp3 HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "", referrer: ""
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15415#0: posted events 00000000
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http finalize request: 0, "/data-6/mp3/39/12/26.mp3?"
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http close request
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 http log handler
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 run cleanup: 08BF8648
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 file cleanup: fd:65
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 free: 08BFBB20
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 free: 08BF76F8, unused: 32
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 free: 08BFCB28, unused: 3230
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 close http connection: 57
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 event timer del: 57: 1618232219
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 free: 08BF72F0
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 free: 08BED588
2009/04/01 09:52:33 [debug] 15409#0: *1663791 free: 08BD0140, unused: 64

С уважением, Владимир.
mailto:fursin at

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