Re: nginx не стартует если сокет существует

Konstantin Svist fry.kun на
Ср Дек 9 05:18:19 MSK 2009

P.S. v 0.8.29

также если kill -HUP <pid>

2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16692#0: epoll_ctl(1, 0) failed (1: 
Operation not permitted)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16692#0: failed to register channel handler 
while initializing push module worker (1: Operation not permitted)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16691#0: epoll_ctl(1, 0) failed (1: 
Operation not permitted)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16691#0: failed to register channel handler 
while initializing push module worker (1: Operation not permitted)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16693#0: epoll_ctl(1, 0) failed (1: 
Operation not permitted)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16693#0: failed to register channel handler 
while initializing push module worker (1: Operation not permitted)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16694#0: epoll_ctl(1, 0) failed (1: 
Operation not permitted)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16694#0: failed to register channel handler 
while initializing push module worker (1: Operation not permitted)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16695#0: epoll_ctl(1, 32667) failed (9: Bad 
file descriptor)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16695#0: failed to register channel handler 
while initializing push module worker (9: Bad file descriptor)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16696#0: epoll_ctl(1, 0) failed (1: 
Operation not permitted)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16696#0: failed to register channel handler 
while initializing push module worker (1: Operation not permitted)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16697#0: epoll_ctl(1, 0) failed (1: 
Operation not permitted)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16697#0: failed to register channel handler 
while initializing push module worker (1: Operation not permitted)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16698#0: epoll_ctl(1, 0) failed (1: 
Operation not permitted)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16698#0: failed to register channel handler 
while initializing push module worker (1: Operation not permitted)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16700#0: epoll_ctl(1, 0) failed (1: 
Operation not permitted)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16700#0: failed to register channel handler 
while initializing push module worker (1: Operation not permitted)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16699#0: epoll_ctl(1, 0) failed (1: 
Operation not permitted)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16699#0: failed to register channel handler 
while initializing push module worker (1: Operation not permitted)
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16650#0: worker process 16691 exited with 
fatal code 2 and can not be respawn
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16650#0: worker process 16692 exited with 
fatal code 2 and can not be respawn
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16650#0: worker process 16693 exited with 
fatal code 2 and can not be respawn
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16650#0: worker process 16694 exited with 
fatal code 2 and can not be respawn
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16650#0: worker process 16695 exited with 
fatal code 2 and can not be respawn
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16650#0: worker process 16696 exited with 
fatal code 2 and can not be respawn
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16650#0: worker process 16697 exited with 
fatal code 2 and can not be respawn
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16650#0: worker process 16698 exited with 
fatal code 2 and can not be respawn
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16650#0: worker process 16700 exited with 
fatal code 2 and can not be respawn
2009/12/08 18:13:30 [alert] 16650#0: worker process 16699 exited with 
fatal code 2 and can not be respawn

On 12/08/2009 06:09 PM, Konstantin Svist wrote:
> config:
> server {
>   listen unix:/tmp/nginx.sock;
>  ...
> kill -s QUIT <pid>
> ./nginx -c ... не стартует
> в error.log:
> 2009/12/08 18:04:05 [emerg] 13822#0: bind() to unix:/tmp/nginx.sock 
> failed (98: Address already in use)

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